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The two arrive at the hospital to see Elizabeth's family, waiting to know John and Ghost's condition. "Connor...grandpa." Elizabeth muttered. "Where's John and Ghost?! Are they ok?!" Asked Connor. There was a moment before Summer spoke. "They haven't said yet...we're still waiting." Said Summer. The two look down. Just then, the doctor came to them and everyone got ready to ask or hear what the doctor was gonna say...to only hear...

"I'm sorry...they didn't make it." Said the doctor. The moment Connor heard those words, he felt his world shatter yet again. Everyone in the family but Tom and Joe cries, not cause Joe didn't care, but cause of the whole "men don't cry" saying. Connor looked down, tears streaming down his face as he felt rage...again...again he was useless and couldn't protect his friends...again it happened and he was useless. Just then, the virus began activating, his rage increasing and he was on the urge of going on a rampage, but snap out of it when feeling Joes hand on his shoulder, worried for Connor and didn't see the virus activating. "Connor? Are you alright?" Asked Joe. The virus deactivated and Connor looked up at Joe. "I'm gonna find the person who did this...and kill him." Said Connor. Joe said nothing before turning and walked to the exit. "Count me in." Said Joe.

Getting back to the house, Connor and Joe entered looking around the place to find anything. Connor looked around before going into her room, thinking she had something inside that could help. Connor looks around until he saw her phone on the table. "Huh...she must've left it here." Connor muttered. Connor tuned it on to see no password, which confused him since most people would have it but layed it no mind, looking through messages and photos, hoping to find something. Connor looked until he finally Connor saw something that made Connor angry.

There were messages from a boy that said things like "Your my bitch" and such, along with a address. Connor looked to see the addresses leads to a house and a apartment, meaning the person could be there, also meaning he could know where Asia is. Connor runs to the living room to see Joe, looking around. "Joe, I found something...someone's been texting her hurtful and disgusting things along with a address...if I'm right she could be there or the boy knows who could take her." Said Connor. Joe got up and looked. "Ok, lets take my car." Said Joe. They got to his car and enters as Connor got the address up on map. The two drove to the address and run towards the door.
Joe, being the biggest and getting there first, kicked the door down. Looking, Connor and Joe saw it was a group of boys.

"Where's Asia?" Asked Joe. They got up and smash bottles for weapons. Connor got ready to fight, when Joe put a hand on his shoulder. "Connor." Said Joe. Connor turns to Joe. "I'll take care of them...you go and look for Asia." Said Joe. "You sure?" Asked Connor. Joe makes a small chuckle. "Just cause I'm old doesn't mean I can't fight...if anything you should be worried for them, not me." Said Joe. Connor looked at him before nodding. "Ok, be careful." Said Connor. "You too kid." Said Joe. Connor runs to the stairs and took a couple of the people down along the way since they tried to stop Connor. Joe smirked before removing his shirt, revealing a large, buff, scarred body.

"Well...lets get started...don't you think?" Asked Joe. The gang of people attack Joe and with little effect, Joe took out 7 of them, making the other 10 stop. "Hehe, what? Can't beat a old man?" Asked Joe. Joe lunches at them and within moments, they were beaten, even if they had weapons. Joe puts his shirt on and went to walk to the stairs when... "ASIA!!!" Connor screamed. Hearing the scream, Joe runs upstairs and runs to the room, to only see the dead body of the boy they were looking for and Connor crying as he held Asia.

Just a moment ago, Connor runs up the stairs, looking for Asia or the boy and within moments, Connor entered a room to see Asia being pinned to a bed and assaulted. Connor then saw a large pocket knife on a table beside the door. Connor grabbed it and run to them as he flicked out the knife, stabbing him in the side and toss him off the bed. Connor runs to him and began stabbing him spite his screams. Connor stabbed him as he thought of John and Ghost, which cause him to not hear Asia's cry for him to stop. Connor stabs him over and over until he felt someone grab him, making him flinch and think it was one of the boys in the house, making Connor turn and stab the person, to only see a familiar beautiful girl with blue eyes.

Connor: Vol 4Where stories live. Discover now