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Y/N and Mitsuri were grabbing there stuff as the class have already finished

"Y/N! Would you like to have lunch with me?" Mitsuri asked grabbing both your hands while smiling widely

"Oh I'm sorry mitsu but I already promised aizetsu I would eat lunch with him" you said which made mitsuri widen her eyes "did you just say aizetsu?" She asked her once cheery expression was now replaced with a concerned look "yeah? Is everything alright mitsuri you seem like you're going to pass out" you asked worriedly

"It's just that aizetsu's part of Muzan's group.." you had on a confused look trying to understand what she meant by 'muzan's group?' "Ah! I'm sorry I forgot you're new! Here I'll explain"
You both put your stuff aside and sat down your chairs once again.

"Muzan's group are the most feared people in this school! Others say they
Beat up other students till they feel numb! Who knows what they might do to you!" she said looking at your suprise look "are they really that bad?" Mitsuri nodded her head making you sigh.

"Aizetsu seems like a nice person tho.." "wait till you meet his brothers! They're really mean! I tried befriending one of them just to prove the others they can be nice but the others were right, he just pushed me and walked off!" She whined 'she looks so cute when she complains'

You shook your head "I'll be fine mitsuri,I'm sure they aren't that bad" you said mitsuri pouted before sighing and giving up

"I don't agree with you hanging out with them b-but! I want you to be happy! Since you're my friend now and friends support each other!"she exclaimed happily

You smiled at her and nodded "thank you mitsuri I promise I'll hang out with you soon, and I'll even buy you anything you'd like!" Mitsuri smiled widely before tackling you into a hug"really!?" You nodded patting her head "thank you! I'm so happy to be your friend! I'll make sure to bake something for you, and if you're not busy we could go on a Best friend date!" She rambled soon realising that she's saying too much she quickly Covered her mouth

"I'm sorry Y/N-chan! I didn't mean to ramble to much!" She bowed while apologizing over and over again

"Eh!? Mitsu-chan please don't bow! I enjoy listening to you" you said making her look up to you smiling
"Thank you so much for accepting me Y/N-chan! You did say you're going to have lunch with aizetsu right? So I'll see you later!"she said before running flustered

'OH RIGHT AIZETSU HE'S PROBABLY WAITING FOR ME SHIT!'you thought as you quickly grabbed your bag and ran off to find him


Aizetsu sat down near the table you two were supposed to meet up 'is she alright?why is she taking so long? Does she hate me' aizetsu frown as more negative thoughts came to his mind

"Aizetsu just give up she isn't coming
You already know this would happen"
Sekido grumbled while letting out an
Exaggerated sigh

Sekido knew this would happen, it always does like why would anyone wants to be friends people like them?
As much as he felt bad for his brother
He couldn't let him get his hopes up again

"Aizetsuuu letss just gooo this is ge-" before karaku could finish his sentence a loud shout interrupted him

"AIZETSU!" a girl with s/c skin came to view as she ran towards the 4 brothers

"Aizetsu! I'm so sorry for being late! I was talking to someone and completely forgot" you cried out
Suddenly stopping looking between the four of them 'huh?'

Aizetsu stood up and went over to you patting your shoulder slightly
"It's..ok..I'm just glad you could come"
You smiled before glancing at the three figures behind him

"Oh right..Y/N these are my brothers
Sekido,karaku and urogi the ones I've been telling you about" aizetsu said looking back at his brothers

Karaku and urogi suddenly whistled
Before clinging to your sides "so you're the girl my brother has been talking about?" Karaku said while smirking "you look so breathtaking" urogi whispered in your ear making you shiver slightly

Aizetsu furrowed his brows while looking between you and his brother
He noticed how red you were, making him huff and grab your wrist pulling you away from them

"Stop, you're making her uncomfortable.."aizetsu softly said while patting your head

Sekido was oddly quiet the whole time 'sus' karaku thought as he looked at his brother

"Hey sekido why don't you say hi" urogi nudged his brother but this act only made his brother glare at him and pinch his sides, urogi yelped before rubbing his sides with a chuckle

"Sorry about them..Y/N.. they're always like that.." aizetsu said making you chuckle and shake your head in amusement

"No no it's alright it's actually pretty amusing watching all this unfold" you snickered watching the brothers argue

'they didn't seem as bad as mitsuri said..'


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