My characters

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These are my characters!


Name: Akari

Nickname/s/: Aki, Kari, ari,

Age: 16

Family: Mother (Tia), sister (Lily)

Appearance: Slightly wavy raven hair which is almost always down, Wears black and silver tones (I CANT DESCRIBE HOW IT LOOKS, it easy to move in and not dress like at all)

Personality: Kind to allies, mean to enemies, curious, and adventurous

Likes: Family, allies, her cat, Dragons, Nature, exploring

Dislikes/hates: Enemies, Dragon hunters, traitors, People who force dragons, anyone who hurts her allies

Allies: Berserkers (Heather and dagur when he turns good specifically), Dragons, winged maidens, and friends

Enemies: Dragon hunters, anyone who forces dragons or hurts her allies.

Dragon/s/: 3

Dragon/s/Name/s/: Aura, Silver, Ghost

Dragon/s/Appearance/s/: Aura-Blue, purple, and black scales, Light blue eyes, white underbelly, same color spikes as stormfly. Silver-Silver scales, gold eyes, gray underbelly. Ghost-Brownish-black with orange stripes and a yellow underbelly, Yellow eyes

Dragon/s/Type/s/: Aura(deadly nadder), Silver (Razorwhip), Ghost (triple stryke)

Flaw/s/: Random scars on her body from training her dragons, not the best at close combat, doesn't trust easily,

Strength/s/: Awesome at hunting, Good at (forgot the name-) far combat

Weapon/s/: Bow and arrow, ax(e)

Pet/s/: Cat named Sapphire

Extra: Father got killed by dragon hunters, takes her cat everywhere, even when riding on her dragon.

Dragon hunter, rider, or normal viking
(Lone Dragon rider)

My dragon character

Name: Crimson

Nickname/s/: Crim/any Nickname she's given

Type: Triple Stryke

Age: Adult (I stupidly forgot the age in numbers)

Gender: Female

Appearance: Brownish-black with orange stripes and a yellow underbelly, ruby red eyes

Personality: Friendly, Loyal, adventurous, and curious

Family: Never knew her family

Power/s/: Unique venom in each stinger
Defense roll
Defensive plates
Prehensile tail

Weaknesses: A blow at the underbelly, the sound of cans or chains, Random clicks

Strengths: Hunting, Silence (or little noise), Darkness, Speed

Rider: None

Home: A cave in a big forest on a island untouched by humans (for now)

Diet: Fish, Sheep, cows, berries, apples, etc

Backstory: She was left as a egg on that island by her family before her family left the island, she also grew up there

Extra: Has never had a introduction with humans, Likes Hunting (I FORGOT TO ADD LIKES AND DISLIKES, so put it in extra)

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