Chapter Two

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Feferi lept into the water, swimming around while Aradia flew up. Vriska hopped onto her ship, signaling for the others to join her.

"Hurry up, you guys! We can't w8 around forever," she said to them. They cautiously climbed up, careful not to mess up Vriska's stuff.


Vriska sighed, ignoring his remark. She began sailing her ship around the ocean, looking for anything suspicious. She nodded at Aradia and Feferi, signaling for them to continue.

Feferi dove down further before suddenly coming to a stop. She gasped and quickly came back up, looking terrified.

"Guys, I found somet)(ing!" she screamed nervously. Terezi turned her full attention towards Feferi curiously.

"WH4T 1S 1T?" she asked. Feferi dove back down with her special tablet, taking photos before coming back up.

"It looks like someone's blood!" she said, showing the photos to the others. Terezi sniffed at the photos, nodding.

"Y34H, TH4T'S D3F1N1T3LY BLOOD. C4NDY R3D 4T TH4T," she exclaimed. The others gasped, terrified.

"2o there ii2 an iinvader here?" Sollux asked, starting to worry. Terezi nodded.

"Y3P, JUST 4S 1 SUSP3CT3D," she said. Karkat began to panic, checking himself for wounds.

"OH FUCK!" he screamed, causing everyone to turn towards him.

"Dude, Are You Okay?" Kanaya asked him, trying to comfort him. Karkat sighed and nodded.

"YEAH, JUST A FALSE ALARM," he explained. Kanaya let out a sigh of relief, turning back to Terezi.

"So, How Do We Catch The Intruder?" she asked curiously. Terezi looked toward everybody.

"W3 FOLLOW H3R P4TH, 4S PL4NN3D," she explained.

Vriska continued to sail her ship, following the path of red blood. However, Vriska brought the ship to a stop after noticing something peculiar.

"Um, I don't think this was there 8efore," she said, pointing to a large creature moving in the ocean.

Feferi dove down, wanting to investigate. She cautiously approached it, but it moved away quickly.

")(ey, come back!" she screamed, chasing after it. The creature looked towards her, continuing to swim away.

"Fuck off!" it screeched with a feminine voice.

Feferi grabbed her tablet from her deck and recorded a video of the creature to show the others. It has long, blonde hair and a long, fluffy tail with two matching blonde-colored ears on top of its head. After getting the video, she came out of the ocean and handed the tablet to Vriska.

Vriska played the video curiously, watching the creature's every move in the video. After she finished, she gave it to the others so they could view it. Nepeta looked at it in awe.

":33 < i've never s33n anything like this befure," she said nervously.

"well, if it's underwater, that means 0nly feferi and eridan are capable 0f f0ll0wing it, right?" Aradia asked, making sure she heard correctly. Terezi nodded.

"Y34H, BUT W3 DON'T KNOW WH3R3 3R1D4N 1S," she reminded them. Feferi went to go underwater again, but the creature swam up to her instead.

"What the hell do you want? I don't even know who you are!" it screamed. Feferi jumped back, shivering.

"D --> It can talk?" Equius asked, looking at it. The creature growled.

"Of course, I'm not an idiot!" it responded angrily.

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