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So! As I'm sure you're away if you've looked at my profile, I love Resident Evil. And one of the two Resident Evil FanFics that got me to write my own got discontinued :(( [He's writing a full-fledged novel, show him lots of love and support!] 

Recently @MrWaffler1reached out to me and asked if I would be interested in continuing his story, given that the person he handed it to drop it a week after beginning, anyways. While I'm saddened that I won't see the story finished by one of my favorite authors I am excited to continue on and give the characters a meaningful and well-written continuation. 

It's 2 AM while writing this, but I wanna thank @mrwaffler1 again for the opportunity, I will be taking a few days to re-read all of "Valentines Partner" in detail to have a strong understanding of where everybody's at in the story. I'll leave a link for the original below if by some miracle you haven't read one of the best Resident Evil fan fiction on the internet, I recommend wholeheartedly giving it a read. 

Thanks, and talk to you all again soon!  -TroupIsCubed

Link to "Valentine's Partner" by Mr.Waffler1:

Resident Evil: Valentines Partner; ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now