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Chapter nine

Sweet tea in the summer

Monroe didn't show up for detention the next day.

After her outburst towards James she felt to exposed in his presence, like he'd seen to much, because to her, he had. To her, her emotions were exactly that, hers. She chose not to share them with anyone because it's one of the things she could make sure stayed private.

But after the endless emotions build up, and James' comments on her, she cracked. The tower tumbled, the castle crumbled, and she had never been so angry at herself.

So, she decided she'll keep her distance from the prince of Hogwarts, build up the walls of defences he and his aggravating attitude somehow knocked down.

She dabbed out her cigarette when she heard a knock at her door, shuffling off of the windowsill to open it.

But when she did, she was met with the criminally enticing eyes of James Fleamount fucking Potter.

She rolled her eyes and just tried slamming the door in his face but his foot wedged between it and the frame making Monroe groan, "Merlin the fuck do you want!" She said as she looked up at him with an irritated look on her face.

"To apologise." He said as he stuffed his hands in his hoodie pocket, not removing his foot from where it was, thinking that she would just slam it in his face.

He wasn't wrong.

"Yeah you've done that a few times but you're still a knob, please remove your foot from my door and get the bloody hell out of the Slytherin girls dormitories." She said as she wrapped her cardigan around her tighter, the girl only wearing a sports bra and short shorts.

"Yes but before I didn't push you to the point where you show emotion and leave me to clean cauldrons alone in detention." James said with a shrug.

"James, it's twelve o'clock, I'm tired, I want a cup of tea now please leave me the fuck alone." Monroe said, growing tired of the boy's presence, it felt odd, the strong tug of resentment wasn't there, and it scared her more than she could explain.

"I'll go with you, haven't seen my buddy Marvel in a while." He shrugged again, not caring about the girl's effort to get rid of him.

"James no."

"James yes, c'mon love I'll just annoy you till you talk to me otherwise." James said as he rested his head against the doorframe.

She thought for a moment before crumbling, "Fine. Ten minutes only otherwise I'll claw my eyeballs out because I'm in your presence. Let me change into something warmer." She said, as she tried to close the door again, but James foot was still there.

She gave his an annoyed look as he said, "It's after hours in the Slytherin girls dormitories, if I get caught I'll get expelled."

She groaned, "Get the fuck in, hurry up," she said, holding the door open for him to enter.

He placed himself awkwardly on her bed as she opened her drawer and pulled out a pair of grey joggers and a green Slytherin quidditch hoodie she'd stolen from Alex, the back reading the number '13' and the name 'Mahogany'.

"I'll change in the bathroom, touch anything, you die." She said as she walked towards the bathroom, clicking the door closed behind her.

James fiddled his wand between his fingers nervously, the reality of the situation dawning on him, that this might actually happen. before he heard a loud chorus oh 'fucks' and 'no's' form the bathroom.

"Taylor you good?" He asked as he stood to stand outside the door.

"Yes Flea tuck off!" She yelled back, she sounded like she was struggling, so James persisted, "What's happened?"

There was silence before a moment before he heard her sigh and say, "Can you come in please."

James sceptically opened the door where he was met with the sight on Monroe Taylor in joggers and and a thin strapped sports bra that was barely doing it's job, her cardigan discarded on the floor.

He gulped heavily, tearing his eyes away from her slightly exposed chest as he said, "S'wrong?"

"My fucking necklace, it's really tangled in my hair, could you?" She said as she continued trying to get the small silver chain untangled from her locks.

He inched closer nervously as his hands hesitantly reached up and began trying to detach the object without breaking it.

The two stood there in silence for a few minutes as James worked his hands slowly as Monroe held the rest of her hair back. A few minutes later, James had finally pulled the chain away from her hair, both being unharmed.

He inspected that little charm that sat on it as he gently clipped it back onto her neck and said, "An azalea, not your everyday flower."

She shrugged as she bent down to pick up Alex's hoodie and said, "My mothers my favourite person, her names Azalea, she got if for me on my first day of first year, saying that we'd always be close as long as I wore it."

James smile lightly that she'd still worn it after all these years as Monroe zipped up the hoodies and slipped in some trainers.

"Ready for your ten minutes Potter."

"Yes ma'am."

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Dear readers,

Really short but is nine A.M and I haven't slept so sorry I'd theirs any mistakes.

Love ya <3

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