Secrets | sex education

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~Jean Milburn~
Smut warning

Y/n is over studying at Otis's house and you go down stairs to get a snack. You've always thought his mom was hot but never really got the chance to be alone with her. When you go down to the kitchen you see her reaching up to grab something in the cabinet.

She's bent over in her nightgown and kimono, you can't see anything but your imagination is running wild. Her ass is poking out and you let out a slight chuckle of amusement. She turns around and smiles and you offer to help her out, being that you're shorter than her you hop up on the counter.

Making sure to poke your ass out a little for her to see. She must've been lost in thought because when you turn around she's biting her lip.

You hop off the counter and she quickly snaps out of it. "Thank you" she says, you nod and say "no problem" while going into the fridge for a drink. She begins to walk out but not before leaning close to your ear and whispering "I don't like to be teased, kitten" and leaves you standing there dumbfounded.

You can't decipher wether it was a dream or not but you know what you felt was real. The butterflies twisting in your stomach and the heat that pooled between your legs every second you thought about her, was undeniably real.

You reach for your drink and grab some crisps out of the pantry and go back upstairs. You can't stop thinking about what happened downstairs as you continue studying. You're still thinking about it when you're called down for dinner. "Y/n... y/n!" Otis says snapping you out of your trance "what?" You answer slightly annoyed he stopped you mid day dream.

"My mom says dinner is ready" you quickly hop up and head downstairs behind him. You sit at the table unable to take your eyes off of her. She steals quick glances at you and you can't help but imagine what it would feel like to have her hands roam your body.

Meanwhile Jean is pretty much thinking the same thing, amused by the affect she has on you. Otis asked to be excused to go to the bathroom and there's a long moment of silence. At least until you're both sure he's out of earshot.

You finally break the silence, "so..." you begin, but really knowing what to say. "About earlier" you try to gather your thoughts to find some sliver of intelligence but can't quite find the words. "Yes?" She says in her beautiful slightly raspy voice, she sips her drink looking you dead in the eyes.

"Ummm" you looked into her eyes which was a huge mistake because now you're lost in them. "Did I make you uncomfortable, love?" She says sincerely, innocently almost. "No!" You says kind of aggressively to which she chuckles. You're looking down now playing with your hands "no" you say softer trying to regain your confidence.

Once you've found it you go all in "quite the contrary actually. I found it really sexy" you say with a smirk. She raises in eyebrow at your new found confidence and seems quite intrigued. Otis soon comes back from the bathroom breaking up the conversation.

Dinner goes by without another word said between the two of you. It's time for you to go home when Jean suggests you stay the night. "Oh that's really not necessary" you say not wanting to intrude. "Please, it's no bother. I don't want you riding your bike alone at night and I've had too many drinks to be driving you home" she says politely.

You say ok and you collectively decide you should take the guest room.
She brings in a towel and new sheets and begins making up the bed. "You really don't have to do that" you say coming over to take the sheet from her. Your fingers brush for a moment and you look into her eyes, she smirks handing you the sheets.

She watches as you make up the bed and you decide to give her a show for the hell of it. You sway your hips every time you move making your ass move in the slightest way. Not enough to notice, unless you were watching intently, which you knew she was.

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