I know she knows | ocean's 8

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~Rose Weil~

I've been working on the set of a new movie, and it's been the most amazing experience of my life thus far. Especially since I get to work with Rose, I'm basically like her personal assistant. I mean I work around and help everyone in the costume/makeup department, but she's always calling me when she needs something which is like all the time.

It's usually small things, sometimes she'll ask me to just sit and talk with her about the most random things. That's what I love about her though because she's not telling me to get this or that she's always nice about it. I was super nervous the first few days, but she noticed and calmed my nerves.

Ever since we had that talk I feel like I'm on cloud nine. As usual I made my way to her trailer on lunch break so we could eat together. This time she wasn't in there though. As I was about to exit, she came in balancing a whole bunch of things on her arms. I giggled and grabbed the drinks so she could actually see the steps and not trip.

"Thank you sweetheart" she sighs and sets to food down while I set the drinks next to them. "You could've called me, I would have carried it" I say, "I know, that's why I didn't. It's your break" she says opening up the bag and inhaling deeply before smiling. "It's your break too" I point out and she just rolls her eyes because she knows I'm right.

"Here" he says handing me a container and a drink right after, "You didn't have to get me anything" I say taking it. "You never eat lunch and it's weird, woman. Besides, you said you were craving Italian yesterday and we left so late that I know you didn't get it" she says taking her things and sits next to me.

"Thank you" I say quietly knowing it's pointless to argue with her considering she's already bought it. We sit in silence for a moment and just before I'm about to speak there's a knock on the door. Before she can respond the door opens revealing Sarah Paulson. I still haven't gotten used to her so I just stare blankly to hide my panic.

She looks at Rose and smiles then looks at me and her smile drops, she looks between us nervously. Rose clears her throat and Sarah waves quickly before leaving the trailer. What was that? "Sorry about that" she says and I finally turn back to her, "it's cool. Is she ok?" I ask, "yeah everything's good" she says taking a bite of her food.

I start eating just thinking about how weird that whole interaction was. Is Rose mad at her or something? I just ignore it once she sparks a conversation making me pay full attention to her. Once lunch is over she goes to get touched up and I head to set to make sure everyone has everything they need.

I see Sarah in the corner on her phone, just waiting for the directors and stuff to get ready I assume. Although it makes me unbelievably nervous, I want to make sure she's ok, so I approach her. "Uhh hey" I say and her head quickly shoots up to looks at me, "hey" she says smiling widely and putting her phone away.

"I just wanted to- uh, I wanted to ask if you're ok" I say nervously and she tilts her head. "Yeah I'm great... why?" she asks curiously, "well it's just that earlier in Rose's trailer..." I say and I can see her get nervous. "Uhh yeah- all good" she says glancing behind me, I turn around to see Rose staring at us.

I turn back around to ask her something but she walked off, my shoulders fall and I just go towards Rose. "What was that?" I ask her and she looks at me confused. "All day Sarah's been acting weird around you especially when I'm around" I say quietly. She just shrugs and walks off, gosh what is going on with people today?!

No one needed anything so I just went to sit in the break room and have something to drink. I was sitting in the corner when someone walked in, not just anyone, Sarah. I guess she didn't notice me because she didn't even look my way and just kept talking on her phone.

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