bachira special !!

476 10 16

"happy birthday bachira!!!!!" happy birthday greetings were circulating everywhere.

"wahhh omg I CAN'T TAKE THESE!!! isn't it too much? a simple cake and little party with everyone would do." the birthday boy said holding two BIG gift boxes. one wrapped in purple, wrapped with a gold bow with black lining. the other was wrapped in yellow with a black bow. matching bachira's hair, it reminds everyone of a bee. very fitting.

the purple box contained a PS5, branded items and anything else bachira wanted but never asked for or needed. the blue gift on the other hand, it contained dolphin related items, plushies, keychains, and everything else with dolphins. there was even different sizes of empty canvases. different paints, paintbrushes, paint palettes. literally anything you need for art.

while everyone was letting bachira open his gifts, their ears heard small sniffles from him. "bachira are you okay!?" concern washed over everyone. their mind making different possibilities on why he was crying.

none of them said anything, they just slowly walked up to bachira and hugged him. the boy didn't feel lonely anymore. he had his friends celebrating his birthday with him. unlike his other birthdays, he felt the warmth he didn't know he longed for.

"th- *sniffle* thank you guys..." cue the hugging! meguru's mom just watched the scene unfold from the kitchen area. feeling relieved and thankful as her son finally found friends to be himself with.

meguru's sniffles turned into giggles and finally laughter. everyone soon calmed down and enjoyed the rest of the night. food was prepared and served, everyone thanked meguru's mom and helped themselves.

gagamaru stealing some of igaguri's food, raichi wanting to join in for some reason... reo was spoon feeding nagi? well, that's kinda normal i guess. rin and sae having a normal conversation in a corner of the room. chigiri and kunigami sharing food, sigh. you and riku casually conversing with meguru and his mom.


soon enough, mrs. bachira set up the karaoke, handing her son the microphone. "okay who wants to go after me? the songbook is just right there." he said pointing to where the book is.

"i'll go." igaguri stated confidently, the rest sweat dropped, but also curios on how it'll turn out. meguru chose 'this december' by ricky montgomery. when the song started and when meguru was singing, igaguri went up and inputted his song of choice.

"god knows i do!" and that concludes meguru's concert! thank you, everyone, for joining in! and congratulations to him, he scored a 99!? so close yest so far! well then, another round of applause, everyone! ...oh, right igaguri is still up. ahem, well.... meguru passed the mic already and the song started.

the intro is so familiar and yet you can't put your hand into it. "that's what the ma—" no wonder it was familiar! it's was dr**m's song... ew kick him out. ughhh the remaining minutes of the song was spent on you playing with sae's fingers, nagi sleeping on the floor. meguru leaning on riku as the former somehow fell asleep. reo using his lap as nagi's pillow. rin and hiori talking to each other, shidou being.... shidou. yeah pretty much normal behavior from everyone.


"-n... y/n! wake up, it's your turn to sing" 'what the fuck?'  groggily opening your eyes, sae's face was the first thing you saw. eyes wide you instantly got up and grabbed the mic from whoever held it and told them the song you wanted. Mr. Loverman.

"i'm headed straight for the floor~" you began singing and riku was quick to take his phone out to record you. bachira dimmed the lights and turned on the flashlight on his phone. everyone understood what bachira was doing, so they followed him. even sae did it.

"the ways in which you talk to me" memories of you and sae talking to each other flooded your mind. "had me wishing i were go—" "GONEEEE" bachira took that part. well, it's a duet with bachira now!

the karaoke session lasted for the whole night. everyone taking turns singing, fighting for the mic and all that. food was served by chigiri with the help of mrs. bachira, kunigami helping out with the drinks. riku helping those who passed out since it was kinda late.

singing a long, scarfing down food, laughter echoing the house. it is a day bachira meguru would not want to forget. a night everyone will forever cherish. even the quiet ones will remember it.

this is the greatest birthday ever, thank you mom, thank you everyone.

as the kids were slowly falling asleep one by one, mrs. bachira took a quick photo of their sleeping forms. taking note to print it out and frame it as another memory was made.


i totally didn't forget to post it yesterday hahahaha🤗🤗🤗

new chapter anytime this week, i have classes tomorrow sadly sooo yeah

thanks for the votes and reads everyone!!!

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