Chapter 4

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I thank whoever is reading all my parts and I hope you like it, this chapter extra is for you.

We all looked at the door ready for an enemy to walk through but what we saw was totally different. A girl around my age walked in with midnight hair just like Erica and Trixie's but with light green eyes to go with this combination. She looked like a replica of Alexander if he was a girl. Trixie and Erica was a replica of Cathrine with the determination of Cyrus and I was guessing it was the same with this girl here, Aubrey Hale.

We had to stay put for another few days because there was another agent Cathrine called onto this mission but refuses to tell us who he is and when he is coming. We filled Aubrey in on everything and from what I saw, Mike has found his new crush. Mike looked at her as if he just looked at an angle. He looked at her so long I swear his pupils turned into hearts. Aubrey recognized this and blush at the sight. After our very detailed explanation, Mike and Aubrey took some time to get to know each other and started talking non stop.

??? POV:

I walked out of the gym when I got a call. A new number I didn't have but the area code was one I haven't seen before. I recognized it a little bit then it hit me like a train. It was the official CIA area code made for field agents to contact other agents only. I was confused on why I was getting this call but answered anyway. "Hello? This is Jake." I said, Jake isn't my actual name by the way. I was trying to see if this person knew me. "Cut the crap Noah," The voice said. I recognized the voice immediately. "Cathrine?" I said in a whisper yell, "Why are you calling me? How are you calling me?" I asked. "Honestly I wasn't sure if you where alive and just hoped that whoever picked up was you." Cathrine responded, "Anyway that's off topic," I rolled my eyes know this was a classic Hale line, "Erica needs your help. She's currently in a hotel with Ben, Trixie, Mike, and one other person I can say for security reason but we can call her Apple." Apple was a nickname we gave Aubrey because when she was a kid she loved apples to death and would eat as much as possible if she could. "Send me the location, I'll be there soon," I replied.

Noah's POV:

The location was sent from Cathrine the the number was disabled for protection purposes. I memoized the location then broke my phone. Let me introduce myself first. I'm Noah Berry, suspected dead but considered missing by many. I have been taking a two year brake from the CIA and joined a secret service for the Japan army. I quit after a year to try and figure out if anything was happening in Washington DC I should know of. I took classes for math, my worst subject and soon became great at it. Thanks to my memory i was able to learn and do complex math equations in my head. The average math level is 9, mine was at a 12. I trained to become lean with strength. I looked skinny and like a twig until I flexed. My body is decently sized but at least tripled the strength than it shows. I could bench triple my weight of 145 which was 435. I had brown wavy hair which I dyed to blonde after being in Japan. I was chubbier a few years ago. My muscle and facial features where there but was covered by a layer of fat. My academic smarts weren't low at all but I worked on it as much as possible. I trained for the past two years and became cut making me look like a total different person. I was able to beat every Hale but Cathrine and Cyrus back then but now, I could beat all of the Hales at the same time.

After the call I quickly took a shower wore some baggy black cargo pants, a tighter white shirt, and some Air Jordan 1 Diamonds on my feet. I looked like a casual teenager with money. I got my car and started driving over to the hotel. When I was about to arrive I gave the CIA a text on my untraceable phone. The text read "Tell Catherine I'll be there in 5 minutes."

Ben's POV:

We all sat there talking while waiting for this mystery man to arrive. I got to know a lot about Aubrey. She was able to fight well because she was also trained, but she didn't join the CIA because when it was her turn to enter Aubrey refused. She saw Erica and the pain she went through with it and just wanted a normal life until a year ago when she decided to work with MI6. She and Cathrine went on missions for the past year and was recently finished. Aubrey was then transferred to the CIA for the rest of her Spy School and was sent to this mission. Aubrey was a lot like Trixie. I had to say that Aubrey was definitely the least attractive of the three but was still a 10/10 for anyone else. Looks wise, Erica was on top by a long shot and then it was Trixie then Aubrey. Personality wise, it was definitely Trixie on top and there was no competition from the other two. ding. Erica's phone buzzed. A text read, "He will arrive in a few minutes so get ready for the surprise!!" We all where curious on who it was. It has been a few days since Aubrey arrived and she also was good friends with Noah Berry. Noah was the Hale magnet for some reason, all the Hales respected, loved, and supported Noah but from what I've heard, Noah was a mid looking guy just with fighting skill. He was strong but it didn't look like it. They all agreed that if he cut some weight he would look amazing.

My train of thought was interrupted by a knock on the door. We all walked cautiously to the door and quickly swung it open. No one. Not a single soul was there. We stood there confused and looked around the door for anything for a solid two minutes. We where all walking inside when, knock knock, another knock. this time The Hales went to open the door and again, no one was there. As they walked back in they froze. They stood there pale as casper the ghost. "What happened?" I asked, worried for what could have scared the soul out of all the Hales at once. Mike and I slowly looked behind us to find a very attractive man leaning against the wall with a smirk.

We all stood in shock, wondering how this guy was able to come inside our room without anyone noticing. More impressive because the two most competent spies where with us. We all didn't know who he was so out of instinct, Mike and I jumped at him quickly. But we stood no chance; he used moved I've never seen before, moved that I didn't know were possibly able by the human body. We were both on the floor grabbing our sides, arms, and legs from the pain that was caused in the past second. We watched as the three hales lunged at him and to say that they didn't stand a chance was surprising. He used the momentum from Aubrey to not flip her over but to swing her around and toss back at Trixie, causing them to both fall down. Aubrey was hurt from the toss and Trixie was hurt from the fall. It was now just Erica and him. Erica unleashed her forest of kicks and punches, all quickly blocked, predicted, and avoided by the man. He blocked her right hook but instead of hitting her chest like a normal person he jumped on top of her arm with his legs crossed and Erica's neck in between, with all his might he rotated to his right which sent Erica to a dizzy sleep. We watch as he flipped Erica over in ways I didn't know where possible. That's all I could remember because soon after, I blacked out.

I woke up in Erica and Trixie's room, on the edge of the bed, with Trixie next to me, Erica next to Trixie, and on the other bed was Mike and Aubrey. I looked at the others to see if they were okay but to my surprise, I watched as the man was checking up on them by checking temperatures, vitals, and everything like a professional doctor. He noticed I was awake even with his back turned, "How was the rest?" he asked, "As good as it can be" I replied. "Who are you? How did you get here? How did you do what you did?" I was asking all the questions I could think of. "Okay, Okay, calm down there." with his hand out for me to shake it he says, "I'm Noah Berry."

I got over 1500 words in this chapter so i hope you like it. I should make another update in around 12 but for today I am done thanks for reading though!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2023 ⏰

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