Untitled Part 10

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I couldn't believe of all people to run into I had run into Gabe. Figures, I mean Brandon's place was down the street and one of the best in town. I just needed to get better at coming up with stories because I could just tell he didn't believe what I told him. I sat in my SUV for a few minutes trying to decide what my next step should be. I really needed to figure out how to get that search warrant of the shop, but with just a hunch it would be difficult. I figured that Chief and Judge Meyer would not sign off on it with what we had. In reality all we really had was a hunch and some crime scene photos. I needed something more concrete. I started up the truck and headed into traffic. When I drove past the shop though I noticed Gabe's assistant outside throwing something away. I quickly turned around and went down the alley behind the store and parked the car. When I walked up the alley, I noticed Claire outside with her bouquet of roses sitting on the backstep. She was trying to move a table out the door. I could hear Gabe yelling something at her and watched as she dropped her side of the table putting her hands on her hips. I quickly snapped some photos of the flowers sitting on the steps. I ran back to my car calling the Chief as I went.

"Hey Chief, you have a minute?" I asked as soon as she picked up the phone. "I think I figured out a connection between all of our girls and I figured out who might have done it." I told her before she could even say anything. I pulled my car back onto the street and started towards the precinct.

"Ok hold on a minute. What now?" She asked. She whispered something to someone. "When will you be here?"

"I can be there in 15 depending on the traffic." I told her.

Traffic was luckily light, and I managed to make it to the precinct in less than the 15 minutes I had quoted her. I busted in the doors and headed straight up the stairs. I didn't have time or patience for the elevator today. I quickly got into my desk for the crime scene photos.

"Where's the fire?" Max asked as I went into my desk to grab the folders. "It's a little too early to be excited about anything isn't it?" He asked leaning back in his chair and yawning. "When are we heading out to go scope out the store owner?"

"No it's not to early to be this excited and we aren't going now. Check out this picture I managed to get this morning on my way from the coffee shop." I told him sitting my phone on the desk so he could see a picture of Gabe with the flowers outside his store.

"Nice." Matt whistled. "When are we going to the Chief about this?"

"Now if she has time, I want that search warrant today and not wait on it." I said, gathering my stuff and heading for the elevator. "You coming or am I doing this on my own?" I asked over my shoulder.

Knock. Knock.

I rapped on the door to the Chief's office nervous about what we were about to ask her. I tapped my foot impatiently waiting.

"Hey, relax. We pretty much have this in the bag." Max said.

"I know I just like I said want this done and over with so I can actually enjoy my vacation." I told him.

"Come in." We heard Chief Davenport call. She waved us over to her desk with her phone against her shoulder. We took a seat while she finished her call.

"Hey guys, what do you have for me this morning? Please not another dead body. I don't think I could handle that. Also, Ryder you are supposed to be on vacation not working." She said steepling her fingers and giving me a glare.

"I think solving this case is a little more important than that. Plus, they had their party last night." I told her rearranging the folder on my lap. "So at least that's out of the way they wanted to spend today packing and tomorrow going over the last-minute details and getting anything, they forgot. Anyway, I need to see about getting a search warrant for a local shop that is also the owner's residence." I told her handing her the folder. "What is the same in all of these crime scenes?" I asked half holding my breath. I glanced over at Max. This was it. We really needed her on board with this crazy idea. We waited like impatient school kids watching her flip through the pictures one by one.

"Tell me Ryder, what is the common denominator in these?" She asked handing me back the folder. She glanced between the two of us. "This better be something good to come barging in here this early in the morning. I have an idea of what your going to tell me, but I am going to need something a little more concrete than this crazy idea I think you are about to throw at me."

So, I launched into the story of being at Mystic Den and how I had stumbled upon the bouquets of roses on the table. They were the same roses as in the pictures I was sure of it.

"We just have your word that those roses were there though." Chief said immediately trying to poke holes into my argument. "We can't go and ask for a search warrant based on what you claim you saw and crime scene photos. The photos are enough to link everything together but not enough to get a warrant." She said, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair. "Plus white roses aren't all that uncommon although they are harder to find. Not many florists in town would have them." She said mulling it over.

"No, its not, but I have this." I said, handing her my phone with the photo I had taken this morning. "Do you think that is enough to get the warrant? "Or should we go flower shop to flower shop asking about white roses?" I asked, grabbing my phone. "White roses aren't that common. You said so yourself. So what are the odds? Also, this shop is only 20 minutes from the last crime scene. The store might I remind you that Gabe also lives in." I said glancing at Max who had stayed quiet during the entire exchange. "Am I missing anything Max?" I asked taking my phone back and leaning back in my chair.

"I will make some phone calls and see what I can do. I'll let you know in a couple of hours. You are dismissed." She said waving her hand towards the door.

"What do you think Max?" I asked as we walked out the door. "I really hope this solves everything because I really want it tied together by Friday." I said as we walked back towards the elevator. I pressed the button to go down to the bullpen where our desks were.

"I don't know I think that it's a stretch and will be a miracle if we get it granted." Max replied as we walked down the hall.


"Hey. I gotta run. My mom just texted that her car won't start and needs me to drop her off at the doctor's office. Text me and let me know what you find out." Max said, turning back to the elevator.

A couple of hours later I had my answer. I felt bad about accusing Gabe after our run in this morning, but this job had taught me that sometimes you can't judge a book by its cover. 

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