chapter 11

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Pete/porsche: good bye
Payu/Parpai: good bye
Time skip it's break time in university Rain,Sky,Sig,Por,ple are sitting in one table and after two tables Som,Bank are sitting
Sig: Cloud jizz why you eating only lunch which you bring from home
Rain: my boyfriend wants me to eat healthy food that's why he made my lunch

They didn't tell anyone about Rain health not there friends

Som and Bank are watching everything Som said to bankSom: why he didn't get some critical health problem after that juice and sandwich Bank: i don't think that sleeping pills and mushrooms sandwich do something with himSom: he is really good slut ...

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Som and Bank are watching everything
Som said to bank
Som: why he didn't get some critical health problem after that juice and sandwich
Bank: i don't think that sleeping pills and mushrooms sandwich do something with him
Som: he is really good slut that p'Payu is still with him
Bank: why can't you forget p'Payu and someone better than him
Som: no one is better than Payu he is mine
Bank sigh and start eating his launch

Time skip Sky and Rain are in there home and duing there homework suddenly Rain mobile ring he see and smile and attend it  but not hearing his mom voice but stranger he got tense
??:hello is this Rain speeking
Rain: yes i am Rain but  who are you and why you calling me from my mom mobile
Hearing this Sky see towards Rain
??: I am speeking from xxx hospital i am a nurse and your mother git accident
Rain: what
Rain freeze his place Sky see it and got tense to see Rain like this Sky come and snatch Mobile from Rain hand and ask
Sky: who are you
Then nurse explain him everything after listening he cut call and see Rain is crying Sky hug Rain
Rain: mom is going to be okay right sky
Sky: yes aunty is gonna be okay huh we should go hospital
They get up and go towards in car Sky start driving car he see Rain is crying so much  he call Prapai
Prapai: Ah baby you miss me i am coming home
Sky: is p'Payu with you
Parpai: yes he is with me but you should answer my question did you miss me
Sky: make call in speaker
Parpai make call in speaker
Payu: what happened nong what you wanted talk to me
Sky: phi rain got call from hospital his mom got in accident and we are going xxxx hospital please come quickly
Payu: what is Rain okay
Sky: he is crying so much
Payu: we are coming
Then they cut call  Sky stop car because they reach hospital
They go inside and ask recipient for Rain mom they told him she is in icu
They go there and sit Rain is crying hugging Sky
Sky: Rain please stop crying everything is gonna okay
Rain: sky i can't lost her please tell them to save mom  mom is okay
Rain is crying so much after some minutes Payu and Parpai also come Payu hug Rain tightly
Parpai: how is Rain mom
Sky: nurse said she is in icu
Payu: Rain baby everything is gonna be okay shhh
After some time doctor came and said

(I don't know what name to use for Rain mom so i use Riya)

Doctor: who is Miss.Riya family
Payu: we are her family
Doctor: sorry we can't save her she have only few minutes she wanted to talk with Rain and Payu
Payu nodded and Hold Rain who is lost in though they go inside icu room
Rain see his mom is attached with oxygen mask and several machine he and Payu go towards her
Rain: mom I can't lose please be okay
Mom: baby everyone will die one day today is my day Payu please take care of him
She said grabbing Payu
Payu: i will Don't worry
Mom: pl..eas..e st..oop crying..g
She said coughing  quickly doctor checking her but she is already die
Doctor: we are sorry we can't save her
Hearing Rain start yelling
Rain:no your lying my mom can't leave me cant leave
Rain said this yelling and crying then he got panick attack and faint
Payu: Rain open eyes baby open your eyes
Payu said slapping Rain cheeks
Payu: doctor check him what happened to him
Doctor : please follow me for my cabin
Payu  carry Rain and go towards doctor cabin Sky and Parpai also come doctor check him
Doctor: nothing serious he got panick attack that's why he faint you can take him home i gave him injection he woke up tomorrow morning
Payu: thank you doctor
Payu carry Rain bridal style and come outside of doctor cabin meet with Sky and Parpai
Sky: what happened to him
Payu: he got panick attack doctor said now he is okay Parpai can you arrange her funeral for tomorrow
Parpai: yes of course i will arrange it Tomorrow
Then payu go towards his with Rain after coming home he made Rain lay in bed and go towards balcony and call his papa in call
Pete: did today sun comes from different side that my son call me
Payu: papa seriously i always call but sometimes you are busy with dad
Pete: brat what did you call me
Payu: actually papa i can't come for family dinner
Pete: why you know na rule that you couldn't miss family dinner
Payu: i know papa but my boyfriend mother death today so that's why i can't come to leave him
Pete: oh it's okay but Parpai cone right
Payu: i think he also didn't come because his boyfriend is my boyfriend Best friend more like brother so that's why maybe he also didn't come
Pete: okay
Then cut the call

To be continued
Maybe Tomorrow i will not upload chapter because  i fell from stairs and my hands is paining also Tomorrow i have to go for shopping

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