{ Why is his HEAD a PHONE- }

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[ yayy!!!  first chapter!! uhhhh. okay yeah uh scott is HEAVILY autistic-coded. i like to think he was diagnosed, but his parents never told him, thinking he'd 'grow out of it'. he needs therapy... i think i'ma make vincent a trans guyy and scott is (unknowingly) genderfluid. ]

[ oh and uhh warning: brief mention of scott's eating disorder(?) ]

[ onto to the book! oh, and before i forget: thanks for reading. ]

     Scott tapped his fingers on the desk, humming. A rhythm filled him. But, as soon as it appeared, Scott squashed it like a bug. He couldn't let himself act weird. That was weird. He couldn't be weird.

     He had gotten his work done. Yay. He was about to spin in his chair, but stopped himself. He didn't want to look weird, after all. He stopped tapping too, instead crossing his arms. Quiet hands, as his mom told him when he was young.

     He, then felt a present nearby. Someone watching him. He froze up, and spun in his seat towards the feeling. A figure in the doorway. He saw his coworker, Vincent. Vincent was everything he hated about himself. Weird, unafraid of what others thought of him. Or, maybe, Vincent was just everything Scott wished he could be. Free. He was in the door way to his left, leaning. His flinched. Fuck, had he been there the whole time? He just stared at Vincent, like a deer in headlights. 

    Vincent chuckled, moving a hand to his mouth. "I can tell your staring at me, even with that stupid phone-head on." He leaned over, and flicked the mask gently, smiling. He got closer, his dress shoes with stickers on it making little clunking sounds as he stepped toward Scott. "What cha doing PG?"

    "Just...sitting?" Scott looked at him, confusion in his face. Vincent grinned, and did his happy little 'stomp' thing. Vincent grabbed the arm rests of the chair, and pulled Scott closer, staring at him with his iris-and-pupil-less eyes. Their faced almost collided. His breath hitched. Scott shuttered. He looked so...odd. Monstrous, even. Purple skin, no irises, dangerously sharp teeth... Scott pressed his back against the seat, and Vincent giggle.

    "So, you doing anything after this?"

     "After...work, I assume? No...?" PG just looked up at Vincent, confused. What did he care?

     Vincent smiled again, standing up now. "You should come watch something with me then, at my place!" He spun Scott in his seat.

     "Suree...IIII...gueeessss-" Finally, Vincent stopped the chair using his hand, leaving Scott just sitting there, dizzy and dazed. Scott held a hand to his head, as it trying to make sure it didn't spin off his head. He caught his breath, blinking out the pain in his head.

     Vincent pumped his fists up in the air, happily. 

    "It's a date!" He cheered, as he slipped out the door.

     "It's a what now-" 

     Scott shook his head. He must've misheard Vincent. Or misunderstood him. Coworkers/Friends can have dates together, too, right? It's probably not romantic...right? Yeah yeah, sure. That's it, it's just a friend date!

     Scott had gone with Vincent to a few things, movies and coffee and the such, and Vincent never called those dates...at least he think he didn't? Oh fuck- Were those dates? Oh fuck oh shit- He began to panic, not because he was unhappy with realizing he was dating Vincent but, the fact he would have to explain to Vincent how fucking oblivious he was. He shuttered, thinking of the embarrassment, as his face when burning hot.

    Scott gathered up his papers, and sighed. He disliked the feeling his chest, his heart pounding. Fuck, why was he so nervous?! He gripped onto the desk, putting the papers back, trying to regain his breathing. He slammed his head on the table, and stood. His ears rung for a little, but his breathing returned to normal. He rubbed his forehead, gritting his teeth a little as pain surged through him. He prayed that it didn't leave a mark or a bruise as his hand brushed where the table hit his head.

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