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This is a biggy with multiple and fast pov changes.
Let's gooo!...

Weeping Sun

On autopilot I work my way through whatever obstacle comes at me; the sounds of war the background to each relentless attack. My size makes me stick out in the throng of beasts; more than several heads taller than my comrades - Blackfur Warriors included.
Even with that disadvantage, it appears that I'm the target of a specific group of she-devils.
But I'm not worried. If they focus on me, then more of the others can penetrate the city. Besides, neither the Succubi or their trickster leaders can fool me with their games. Though it does leave me wondering, why are they trying?. My relationship with Meredith might be near nothing right now, but that doesn't change the fact that we're both fully bonded to each other; and not even Lilith's spawn can break through that divine union.

Leaping into the fray I make quick work of cutting down four Vampire scum before I even hit the ground. When I do, more of them rush forward; this time brandishing eight inch saw back knives. The silver glistens under the ring of fire above us but I care not, silver doesn't effect us.. not in knife form anyway.

As they lunge I jump, springing several feet into the air watching the three idiots crash into the ground and subsequently each other. I don't give them a second to get their bearings as I land on the backs of two, crushing them under my eight hundred pounds of muscle; and bite the head off the third. Crunching the foul tasting blood and bone between my sharpened teeth, then spitting the remains out onto the mossy ground.

The Younguns' keep their distance from us and instead focus their attacks on the Wolves and Shifters, the dark and cool atmosphere aids their stealth; and unfortunately they're smashing through the Fox and Lynx packs in record time.

Brock: Nala, status?
Nala: We're tracing a faint scent back South Sir
Brock: South?.. What is she doing?
Nala: We think she may have gotten lost, perhaps the Vampires threw the Princess off course Sir
Brock: Perhaps. Thank you Nala, keep looking.

Brock: Silas, status?..

*Oof!* sliding along the dirt, tumbling in the bitter hold of something screeching in my ear; we come to a stop. I kick the offending creature up and off and it soars a few feet, coming to a pause as it flaps its leathery wings and shoots back down towards me.

Thinking fast, I roll just in time for it to collide straight into the ground and I pounce; gripping the wings at the base of its spine and yanking them out at the root with all my strength. Thick oil-like goop spurts from the wounds as the screams from below reach a pitch so high that my ears feel like broken glass.
I fling the gnarled things aside and ball my fist, pulling back about to slam it into the back of it's head, when new wings spring from the bubbling wounds with such force that I'm thrown backwards - smacking into a crowd of fighting Weres and Swamp Goblins.

The Succubus bounds after me, faster than before, the determination burning hot in its eyes as the crowd parts - just in time for her to grab hold and try to take us skyward. Thankfully I'm too heavy for it and I'm able to stretch up enough to grab ahold of her wiry hair and pull, bringing her head down enough to twist it clear from her neck.
To my dismay, within seconds a new head reforms on her bloodied shoulders..
*Poof* bright blue smacks the demon between the eyes; "Need some help?" a small voice chirps from my left. The light rapidly spreads over the demons face like lightening - she seizes then bursts into a cloud of powder blue.

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