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!! second pov

At this point in the party, you were sure Rosalyne had been ignoring you. An hour had passed since your arrival, and she didn't so much as look in your direction. You figured it was because you came with Arlecchino, but what had she expected you to do? Walk all the way to Sandrone's place by yourself?

"Angel, you look worried." Arlecchino offers you a cup, and you sniff it expecting alcohol. She chuckles and raises a hand in your direction. "Water, you're not a big fan of alcohol."

"That's right.." You smile slightly and take a willing drink, looking away after.

"What's on your mind?" Arlecchino mumbles. Her hand reaches forward to button one of the unbuttoned parts of your shirt. "Why so tense angel?"

"Thinking about being kidnapped."

She pauses before chuckling. "Oh dear, that's not what I expected. Tell me, why are you thinking of that?"

You sigh. "I dunno," With a wave of your hand you dismiss the entire conversation as a whole. "Let's focus on something else."

Her eyes flash to yours, and you half spot concern in them. But then she looks behind you and gives a somewhat sigh. "You're needed."

Looking back, you spot Rosalyne giving an absolute death glare to Arlecchino. When she spots you looking back, her head motions to the room next door. Giving a sigh you turn back to Arlecchino and offer her a sad smile. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what's gotten into her."

Arlecchino rolls her eyes and pats your head. "It's all good angel. I've got a rough idea anyway," She hesitates, looking over at Rosalyne. Then, she leans forward and kisses the top of your head, pulling away and letting the back of her hand skim over your cheek. "Let me walk you to class tomorrow?"

"Okay..." Is all you can breathe, your face slightly flushed. Arlecchino smiles and taps your cheek, turning and wandering over to Columbina who sits chatting politely to Childe.

You turn back and find Rosalyne's cup slightly crunched, on a window seal. The blonde heading for the previously mentioned room.

You couldn't help but think something was wrong.


Upon entering the room, your back is pressed rather roughly against the wall behind you. And you can't help but thank Sandrone for always keeping this room empty. "Having fun are you?" Rosalyne's voice is slightly low, her eyes narrowed. "Fraternizing with Arlecchino."

"What is your deal?" You murmur, squinting. "She's a friend! God forbid I have any."

Rosalyne flares. "Do not speak to me like that!"

You wince and look away, shaking your head. "I'm sorry. But I just don't see why me talking to her is such a big deal, we've known eachother for a few years now."

"Because you aren't hers you are mine," Rosalyne grips your hips, pulling you closer to her. Her eyes soften slightly. "You realize that right? It's almost sickening how much she wants to sink her claws into what's mine."

You look back with a raised brow. "Rosie. I'm not yours, i'm a person. And even if I was," You gesture behind you, at the party in the other room. "It certainly doesn't feel like it! Asking me to dress up nice because we're going out but in reality we're just at a party! Again!"

"I never insinuated we were going on a date," She scoffs. "Besides. You know we can't do that. If the others saw-"

"Why do you care what the others think?" You shake your head, your brows slowly move to press together. "It's our relationship! Who cares if people know?"

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