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The pink color of the sky swirls with the orange and yellow, a beautiful sunset in view. Most people are at the tables, eating and chatting with their friends as they cool down from the hot sun with the cool breeze that is cast from the air.

Others are just messing around on the grass, play-fighting and just having fun. Some are cooling off in the chairs while others swim in the pool. Those others being Hikara, Bakugou, Mina, Kaminari, Tsuyu and Uraraka.

"How are you guys still swimming, I'm freezing cold." Kirishima yelled out of shock as he dried himself off with his towel and reached for his shirt, sighing as it was still soaked in water.

"That's because we're actually moving around while you're lazy ass stayed still in one corner the whole time." Sero teased.

"Says you." Jirou rolled her eyes as she pulled on her shorts over her swimsuit, "I didn't even see you swimming."

"Now that I'm thinking about it, I kinda am cold." Tsuyu said, mostly to herself as she allowed herself to float above the water.

"Maybe we should get out now. It would suck if we caught a cold-"

"Oh shut up nerd." Bakugou slapped his hands against the water, causing the green-haired boy to yelp as water splashed on him. To the blonde's surprise, the same act was done back towards him as his hair and face was once again soaked.

"You can't expect me to do nothing." Uraraka smirked as Bakugou glared at her with crimson-red eyes, glistening with mischief.

"So, you're gonna protect your little boyfriend?" The blonde grinned in response, "Okay then, don't expect me to go easy on you!"

Bakugou used all his strength to slap the water, causing Uraraka to gasp as she was engulfed in the wave. She came back to the surface after a while, coughing up water as her hair stuck to her body. He smirked, sticking his tongue out at her mockingly as she glared at him. The blonde repeated his action, laughing loudly as her yell was cut off as she disappeared under the water once again.

To his confusion, she didn't reappear.

He looked around, trying to see if she appeared somewhere else. Only to grunt in shock as a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him down to the water. The two got back up to the surface laughing loudly with each other.

Hikara was beside Todoroki as she tried not to swim up to the brunette and drown her right there and then. The dual-haired boy sensed her anger and put a hand on her shoulder, giving the girl a small smile.

"Don't worry, Hikara. They're friends. Nothing more than that." He said in a calm but monotone voice, causing the brunette to look up in slight surprises. She relaxed, returning the gesture with a smile of her own.

"Thanks, Todoroki. You really are a good friend."

"You too, Hikara."

No one would ever guess her real intentions.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Uraraka looked at her phone, feeling her heart pang in pain as she saw the message sent to her.

Talk to Bakugou, Kaminari or Tokoyami again and I promise you that you'll regret it. None of them actually wanna be your friend. They just pity you.'

She slumped against the wall of the pool, thinking of whether to get out or not when Tsuyu approached her, two drinks of punch in her hands.

"You look down, Uraraka. What's wrong? Did Midoriya reject you again?"

"HUH!? W-WHAT NO! I DIDN'T EVEN CONFESS! AND WHY WOULD I CONFESS IF I DON'T LIKE HIM!?" Uraraka panicked from the question, waving her hands in front of her face frantically, "AND HE NEVER EVEN REJECTED ME IN THE FIRST PLACE!"

"Stop screaming, you sound like Midoriya when he's nervous." The greenette passed a glass of punch to Uraraka, "And he did reject you. That time when you asked Momoi to ask Midoriya if he wanted to hang out with you and he said no."

"Ah, Tsuyu.. Why are you reminding me of those times.." Uraraka's mood darkened even more as she remembered the incident. She cried a lot that night, "But no, that's not what happened."

"So, then what is it?"

"Well.. Some anonymous person keeps on telling me to stay away from Bakugou, Kaminari and Tokoyami.." Uraraka sighed, "And they keep on sending me death threats."

"Do you mind if I see them?"

"Sure." The brunette passed her phone to Tsuyu, who observed each and every text message thoroughly.

"So, what do you think?"

"Whoever this person is must be in this school since they referred to incidents that only happened within the school and only the school knows about. I would say one of the first years. So class 1B or class 1A." The greenette put her drink on the ground, sitting above the pool to lessen the chance of dropping it, "Tokoyami has nothing in common with Kaminari or Bakugou. Their intention was probably to lessen the chance of us finding out who the person is. They put Tokoyami because you know I like Tokoyami. Kaminari because Jirou likes Kaminari. And bakugou because Hikara is dating him. I'm gonna say its Hikara because you hang out with Bakugou more than Kaminari and Tokoyami. Not to mention Jirou isn't like that."

"Ah.." Uraraka nodded her head dumbly as she slowly processed the information, her eyes widening as she realized what Tsuyu had just said, "But Hikara isn't like that either! She would never do that, I know her!"

"I would never do what?" Hikara appeared in front of them, a smile on her face as Uraraka shrieked.

"We were saying that you would never spike our drinks. We were discussing what people would most likely do." Tsuyu said calmly, not flinching once.

"You r-really scared me, Hikara." Uraraka put a hand to her chest, feeling her heart still pounding harshly.

"Ah, sorry, Uraraka!" The other brunette chuckled, rubbing her nape before smirking, "But if anyone would spike our drinks, it would be Kaminari."

"For sure." Uraraka giggled, not knowing that a certain person heard the whole conversation.
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