The Black Eyed Nightmare

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As I was running through the thick foliage, I could hear the heavy pounding of footsteps behind me.  He was following me.

I shoved tall, thorny plants to the side to make room for myself.  The area of woods that I was running through had thousands of low branches.   I jumped and ducked my way through the maze of black-ish brown limbs.

The footsteps were starting to fade the further I got into the tangle of branches.  I could feel my golden-brown hair coming out of its bun.  The bulky braid fell down my back and stopped at my waist as I was running.

There it was.  The clearing that could save my life.  Almost there.   I dove through the last opening in the entwinement of tree limbs and tumbled right to the edge of a lake.  Looking up, I saw that the lake's water hit up against the edges of the saplings covering the shore.

A wave of relief washed over me, causing me to fall to my knees.  I gazed at my reflection in the lake's deep blue waters.  I had the urge to reach out my arm and tap the surface of the water with my pale, shaking finger.  The water rippled in front of me.  I looked upward at the bright glowing moon.

When I looked down again, I let out a lingering, ear splitting scream.

In the reflection of the lake, there was a male figure standing behind me.  I stared into the space where his eyes should be, but there was nothing, just two empty black holes.

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