Help me...

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I had a strange feeling, like someone was following me. I searched the streets around me, looking for someone, anyone who could be there. Nobody was around me. The streets were completely empty, not a person in sight. Why were there no people? On a Friday afternoon, the busy boulevards of New York City are usually flooded with families. Something was off. What could cause all the people who usually love seeing the fogged, but starry sky to just disappear?

All of a sudden, I heard footsteps. They were coming from behind me, and were getting closer by the second. Without thinking, I ran. Ran through the streets, ran into Central Park. My heart was pounding with fear as I charged through the winding paths. The thick, twisted trees seemed to be looming overhead, trying to grab me. I took a glance over my shoulder and saw a figure in a black cloak, similar to mine, racing after me. 'I have to make it home, then I'll be safe,' I thought, 'just a bit further.'

I could see the opening at the end of the path. 'Almost home!' Out of nowhere, a root appeared in front of me. I tried my absolute hardest to avoid it, but it seemed to grab me and drag me to the ground. My body met the cement with a painful crash. Struggling to untangle myself from the root, I begged the forces of the universe to keep that thing away from me. As I broke free, I jumped up preparing myself to start running once again. No sooner than I did, a shiver ran up my spine.

Hot, rancid breath could be felt on the back of my neck. I tensed up, attempting to gather the energy to scream. "Stay still," the being said in a monotone voice. The voice stunned me, causing me to lose all energy I had gained. I looked up, half expecting to see some old man standing behind me, but there was no man. The cloak was instead occupied by a young boy. He was to be a rather tall boy, which would explain why he caught up to me so quickly. "What do you want with me?" I asked. He said nothing.

"What do you want with me?" I asked, louder this time. He again said nothing. "WHAT DO YOU WA-" I was cut off by large, gnarled fingers, entwining themselves over my mouth. "I want nothing more than to show you my pain," replied the boy. With that, he put his warped hands on my shoulders. A cold, dreary sensation rippled through my body. Dread, hopelessness, vulnerability, seeped into my bones, infecting me. My mind went blank, my face showed no sign of emotion, everything felt empty.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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