Chapter 1: Finally found, but...

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MegaSquadMo's POV

After a few days have passed, people especially me still felt bad for IamSanna because she still wasn't able to revive Red.

And we all know, she just wanted to heal an injured person.

IamSanna: I'm... so sorry everyone... I know Red's dead... and I'm not able to revive him....!

We too know that Moody, Jelly and her other friends tried to comfort her and encourage her as a healing guardian

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We too know that Moody, Jelly and her other friends tried to comfort her and encourage her as a healing guardian. Hoping one day she could be stronger to heal anybody completely...

And still, we still haven't seen Dexter for a long while. 

I got so worried. Was he gone missing or something...? "Where did he go..?" I asked myself.

I felt so sad for Red. I missed him so much... 

He was one of my bestest friends I've known. 

Now that he was gone, what could we do without him...?

At night as I was going to sleep, I saw a mysterious figure outside my window walking somewhere.

I had discovered that that figure was Dexter. I was trilled he came back.

But as I ran to him, his eyes had become different than before...

That almost scared the heck out of me as he opened his eyes like this

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That almost scared the heck out of me as he opened his eyes like this....

And my heart was pounding...

Like, what the heck happened to him!?

Dexter: Oh, hello there, old friend.

I was terrified. Someone must be cursing him, right...?

And then, he transformed into...



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But he answered...

"Wow, you looked so surprised."


And he said, "It doesn't matter who I AM."

I was still wondering what happened to him, yet, I was scared.

As he used his power on me, I formed a shield to protect myself.

As he used his power on me, I formed a shield to protect myself

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But it was too strong that it almost hurt my hand.

"Interesting..." He said.

And I had no choice but to fight him.

An hour later, YET, he was still stronger than ever.

And as he was going to use his powers on me again, a dark shadow vine instantly appeared, took my arm. I tried to let go, but it started consuming all of my elemental powers as I started to feel pain. 

I screamed so loud. It was too painful that I fainted.

And so, my necklace had turned GREY.

My powers had been taken...

"Huh, I could do that as well? Hmph. Alright."

And so...

Lego arrived.

Chapter 2 coming soon!

"Maybe somehow we'll bring back Red..." Villain! Dexter Playz AUWhere stories live. Discover now