14 0 0

1919, Ottawa, Canada.
7 AM

The nimble young man had done what he needed to, he quickly ran away, jumping on objects quickly and nearly escaping before getting cornered by the police officer.

He felt the hand cuffs click around his wrists, terror in his as he shook his head, trying to escape. He was quite a small man, so he assumed escaping the grasp wouldn't be to hard. He bit down on the officer's arm, before realizing it was all geared up and padded, the young man chipping his tooth in the process. He growled, kicking and scratching to the point his finger nails and toe nails were split, cracked, and no longer healthy. It was painful, his eyes stinging with tears.

"Sir! It wasn't me! I promise!"

Everyone had saw what he had done. It was such a big fat fib, but there was no way to deny it any longer. He gave up and lowered his head, following the police into the police car.

There was pure silence, only the roars of the engine and the clicking on the handcuffs. A slight breathing noise was audible, and it was the young boy himself, hearing himself. No one spoke, nothing happened. He felt... defeated. Something he had never felt before with his huge ego and all. The man wasn't particularly attractive, but he was a pale white man with blue eyes and dark brown hair.

"Tch, I never did anything." He grumbled to the police officers, albeit knowing that he was to blame. After a few hours, he was locked in jail, for a lifelong sentence.

"You're lucky this is one of the better cells, young man."

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