Chapter ~8~

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Kana put the appel pie on the table, and  started cutting it.
She gave everyone a piece, and they started eating it.
"Ummmm... This is sooo good!!", said Naru, enjoying it.
-Yes, it is, The taste is great!!, it's like your mum's baking Nika, right?,asked Kana, happily.
-Y-yes it is, I am glade you like it, but Naru also has a part in it, replied Nika.
-Right, but you're the one who did almost all the work, after all you the expert, said Naru, smiling.
-You did a great work sis, said Toko, betting in his piece of pie.

Nika blushed a little from embarrassment, she turned her head a littel to Aiger's direction,he just took a bit, and exclaimed with joy:"Hummm.. THAT'S REALLY GOOD!! You did great guys!"
and continue eating the piece of pie.

Nika blushed more, but didn't say anything  , just smiled to him, and joined them.

After lunch
Aiger and Toko went to the workshop for some bettels, Naru and Nika went to the room, while Kana went to take a littel nap in her room.

°With the boys°
Aiger and Toko were about to start a new battle, but Achilles words' were still turning in his head and that annoys him that he decided to make Toko a part of it.
"Hey Toko, do you know any other blayder expect us around the house or somewhere close?",asked Aiger, looking directly into Toko's eyes.
-What?.., replied Toko,with a confusing tone.

Toko's POV
Another blayder other then us??.. Around the house.... What he is talking about?

-What do you mean, Aiger?, asked Toko, still confused.
-I mean like there is someone else here who has a strong bey, and it's not you, or me, Replied Aiger, insistently.
-Huh?? Continue Toko, more confused.

Why is he saying this??.. Ok, i got the thing, someone else with a bey, here in the house,... But wait, what makes him think that?..

-But dude, what makes you think that?
-Achilles told me.
-He told me that we are doing great in our Training, but we gotta battle this third bey,Achilles told me it has  a very strong bound with the blayder, he even felt it, so..Well, i don't know who this might be but we gotta find him, and battle him, continued Aiget,determined.

Aha ok, I see...
I don't have any idea who this is this" mysterious " blayder, but Aiger's right, we gotta go find this guy.

-Ok Aiger, I'm in!
-Knew i can count on you!
-Now, let's find him, first we look around the house and the farm.
-Yes, even if i am TOTALLY sure there is no one.
-Haha yeah let's go.

They looked every place,room, every corner, even in cow's place, Aiger was looking closely, and then Toko said: "Come'on!  It's not like your gonna find someone hiding behind a cow!"

Anyway, they finally stand in front of their hous, catching this energies, then Aiger started: "So he's not there, clothing to the house, soo..."
-That mean he's in the forest?.. Maybe.., continue Toko, not sure.
-YEAH!! That's it! He's probably in the forest, cm'on Toko, I know this forest like my pocket!, Shouted Aiger, excited and started running towards the forest.
-Hey wait up!!, shouted Toko and went after him.

•After some hours later•
Toko and Aiger were Sitting on a tree trunk, exhausted, it was almost Sunset but they haven't find a single person inthe whole forest.
-Hey, I think we should head back, it's getting late, said Toko, and puted a hand in his friend's shoulder.
-Hummm..., Aiger had an Angry face.
Then he took a deep breath and shouted with the top of his voice: "HEEEEEEYY!!!  IS THERE ANY BLAYDER OUTA THEEEEERE!!!  COME'ON, SHOW YOURSELF RIGHT NOOOW!!"
Toko had to close his ears, Omg, Aiger is going too far, he tried to stop him, but Aiger was still shouting, he even climbed a tree, and Toko couldn't reach him.
-AIGER!! THAT'S ENOUGH DUDE!!, Toko shouted as high as he can, he was a bit surprised that Aiger stopped and looked down to his friend.
-Wow.. I didn't know you can scream like that Toko, saud Aiger, laughing.
-Y-yeah..., Toko's cheeks turned pink from embarrassment,we have to go back Aiger.
-Yeah,looks like that,this all was for nothing,said Aiger, Exasperated.
They walked home together.

°During this time,with the girls°
Nika and Naru were just  laying down, in Naru's bed, chatting.
Nika asked: "Hey Naru.."
-Humm.. Yes?, responded the blue haired girl.
-You asked me before if I have a crush or a love interest, but.. What about you?  Do you have a crush?, asked Nika,with a smirk.
-W-What!?.../////,Naru was very surprised, and she couldn't stop hersefl from blushing.
-So,*Gets up* you do have a crush,...Well your face is saying it.
-Umm.. Well..*Gets up too*...
Naru took some minutes to answer, thinking if she have to tell her friend, more like best friend, but she decided to tell her, that's why she answered: "
"*Sigh*.. Yes, yes I do", responded Naru, Kinda confidente but shy.
-Ooooh really?, who is this lucky guy?, asked Nika, existing.
-It's a guy I meet when i went with Aiger in one of his trips for the national beyblade championship, he's a powerful blayder, his name is Hyuga Hizashi, do you know him?, explained Naru.
-Yes, I think I know him, his bey is called Super Hyperion Xceed, he has red hair, right?, he has a brother named Hikaru, as I remember, you have a crush one him, pretty CUUUTE!! ♡♡.
-You really think so?..
-TOTALLY!! Omg, did you tell him?
-No, i never had a chance to tell him, and also I'm afraid that he won't return my feelings, and that might destroy our friendship, and i won't sacrifice that for my own good.
-Yeah... I know the feeling...
-You still didn't tell me who is your crush tho.
-Ah.. Yeah, sorry but I'm not ready right now, give me more time.
-Ok, no worries  :)

They keep talking about many things, random stuff, and other, but for sure they enjoyed it...

I know I kind of late for this chapter but nevermind, and... About the mysterious blayder,.. It wasn't in this chapter, maybe in the next one?...We'll see.
Until that time, stay safe, see you in the next chapter.
Goodbye ^^

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