"He's One of a Kind" Part 6

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It was now darker and chillier outside. The dorms were all lit with a glow of orange from the street lights and decorations. People in various costumes were scattered all over and the complex was loud with the sound of the crowds and music playing. Riley, Anne, Cassie and Julie were making their way to a near by apartment where Anne was familiar with the people. All had a few drinks at this point and were excited to get the night started. 

Anne and Riley were walking in between Julie and Cassie. Just two diapered babies surrounded by a Hogwarts student and Wonder Woman. "I can't wait to get inside." Riley said as he was starting to shiver while rubbing his arms. 

"Aww, I'm getting cold too. I can hold you until we get there." Julie said. 

"Upsies." Riley said as he reached his arms up at her. 

Julie scooped him up and held him close. His arms wrapped around the back of her neck and they faced each other, smiling. They both instantly felt warmer and comfortable. 

"Hmm, I'm starting to suspect you are enjoying being treated as a baby, huh little guy?" Julie said.

"Maybe just a little, with you" Riley replied. 

Julie suddenly gave Riley's butt a little squeeze. "At least you're still dry. You didn't have any accidents yet this time?" She said, jokingly. 

They all laughed and Anne turned to Cassie and hopped in her arms. Cassie was then holding Anne just how Julie was holding Riley.

"Oh the night's still young. I brought the rest of the diapers for these two, just in case." Cassie said. "

"I've actually never changed a diaper before." Said Julie. 

"I have a feeling I'll be teaching you by the end of tonight." "It's fun!" Cassie replied. 

"Not uh!" Riley said back to Cassie. "I'm going to try to be a big boy." 

"That didn't work out too well for you last time, you little rugrat." Cassie said. 

"If I'm a rugrat, which one would I be then?"

"Tommy, because you're dressed just like him."

"Whatever, Angelica." Riley replied.

Anne and Julie were cracking up listening to Cassie and Riley tease each other.

"I think you're like Tommy because he's the most fun." Julie said to Riley. The compliment made him blush. 

They approached the party and once inside, Riley and Anne were set down to walk. The party was in an apartment and wasn't too crowded like the surrounding dorms. It was surprisingly clean inside and loaded with Halloween decorations, accompanied by the smell of beer and weed. They all made their way into the kitchen to mingle with the crowd and watched a game of flip cup taking place in the center of the room. The party had a fun, but laid back energy and everyone was dressed in costumes. 

It was about an hour later. They all played a few drinking games and chatted with people they were around. Riley was having a nice conversation with a girl named Vanessa he just met. She appeared hispanic with her hair dyed a fiery red. She was a few inches taller than Riley and dressed as a vampire in a black cloak with dark eye shadow. They started with chatting about where they are from, classes they take and who they know at the party. Riley was getting the vibe she was interested in him and he was enjoying the conversation. He just got turned down by Julie and thought Vanessa was cute after all. 

During this time, Julie mingled with other people, but couldn't help glancing over at this girl and Riley as they talked to each other for so long. While Julie was watching Riley from across the room, Cassie nudged Julie with her hip to get her attention. 

"Looks like she's taking a liking to our little guy." Cassie said. 

"Definitely looks that way." Julie replied. 

"Well he is one of a kind." Cassie said. " He's adorable and I don't think he'll be single for long. Just look at that round, diaper ass." 

Julie and Cassie chuckled with each other.  As they were looking at Riley, they watched Anne walk up to him while doing the pee pee dance. 

"Uh oh, looks like someone is about to have an accident." Cassie said, gleefully. 

Riley was tapped on the shoulder by Anne. He and Vanessa turned to her and saw she was holding her legs together and fidgeting. 

"Hey, so I've been wanting to ask you, what was it like when you peed in your diaper?" Anne said. 

Vanessa looked at him with a shocked expression.

"I think the baby costume is cute, but did you really pee in it? That's a little much. " Vanessa said to Riley. 

"He sure did!" Anne said as she gave him a big hug. "We're baby twins and I think I'm going to pee myself too!" Anne said loudly. The room suddenly went silent and everyone seemed to gather their attention on to her. 

"You know the bathroom is free right now. It's right there" Vanessa said as she pointed across the room. 

Anne paid no mind to Vanessa as she straightened her legs, let her arms hang and closed her eyes. Her face and posture then relaxed. Meanwhile, she had the attention of everyone at the party.

"She's doing it!" Someone in the crowd shouted. 

It was obvious. The room got quiet enough to hear the hissing sound of the stream start and her diaper began to swell between her athletic legs. Only some whispers could be heard as Anne began to smile and stood there in a meditated state. After about 20 seconds, the hissing sound stopped and Anne sighed in relief.

"That felt so good." She calmly said as she slowly opened her eyes and noticed everyone was watching her. She paused for a moment. 

"Umm ... All done!" She cheered while sticking her arms in the air. 

Riley, Julie and Cassie cheered with her and the crowd immediately erupted along with them.  Cassie came over and gave Anne a big hug. 

Riley then leaned over and hugged Anne right after Cassie let her go. 

"I'm so glad you came out with us, baby twin!" Riley said. 

"Great job! Cassie said. Look whose the life of the party. I guess you'll need your diaper changed now, huh?" 

"Not yet! It's so warm." Anne replied. 

"Don't wait too long. It's looking pretty heavy." Cassie said.

Everyone then continued with the party as if nothing happened. Cassie and Anne went back into the kitchen while Riley and Vanessa struck up more conversation as another hour passed. After more drinks, Riley was now also beginning to feel the urge to pee. He did want to try to be a big boy though. Last time was an actual accident because he couldn't hold it and he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Vanessa. He looked toward the bathroom and saw there was quite a line formed to get in. Vanessa noticed Riley looking at the bathroom and could see he was beginning to tense up. 

"Do you need to get in line? I can wait with you." Vanessa said. "I definitely don't want you peeing yourself like your friend. I can't believe she actually did that." 

"She's just drunk and having fun." Riley replied.

He then got in line with her as he could feel the pressure in his bladder building. He was liking Vanessa, but kept thinking back to how comfortable he felt with Julie holding him. 

From time to time, Julie would still glance over at Riley. She saw him get in line for the bathroom with the other girl. While the two of them were talking, the other girl would place her hand on his chest and sometimes touch his hip in a flirty way. 

Julie pictured in her mind when Cassie placed Riley on her lap for the first time. She reminisced of all the moments they hung out together along with the times she held him in her arms. She felt happy thinking about these recent memories.

"She doesn't know how to take care of him." Julie thought to herself. 

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