[Chapter 1] Welcome To Hopes Peak

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 [You take a deep breath as you look up at the massive high school, its so big it towers over every other building in the area, almost like the school stands in the middle of the world. That school being Hope's Peak Academy. It brings in top-students from every field imaginable, funded by even the government. It's been said that if you come here and graduate, you're set for life. It's been a tradition for years, sending the best of the best into the work force every year.]

[It was built to raise hope for the nations future, which makes the name Hope's Peak pretty deserving.]

[There are two requirements needed to attend the school, firstly you have to already be in high school, and two, you have to be the very best at what you do. This means no ordinary student can be let in. The only way to attend is if you're scouted by the school itself.]

[Standing at the front gate of the school full of ultimate students, was you.]

(Y/N): "Guess I should introduce myself, I am (Y/N) (L/N)." 

[You were a pretty average looking guy, you did well in school, you liked listening to music like the average teen, hanging out with friends, but all of that pails in comparison to what you were truly good at... art.]

[You could replicate pretty much any style, knew color theory like the back of your hand, the uses for every paint brush and tool. This lead you to be noticed by quite a lot of people, your art stunning everyone who gazes at it. Even being hung up in museums, going for as much as some of the greatest artists in the world, and you loved it. What surprised people was learning that the artist was only a highschooler, and you couldn't help but chuckle when people found out.]

[So it came to almost no one's surprise when you were selected by Hopes Peak Academy.]

[You weren't born under a rock, you knew what the place was and hoped of going there since you first heard about it, but even then you did some research. Learning that only the best of the best get in, and it was such a popular topic online that there were threads dedicated to talking about the schools attendees. You learnt that students that went there were called "ultimates". For example, you learnt that one of the students in your class was going to be the "Ultimate Pop Sensation", a high school girl that's the lead singer for a famous pop group all over the country. Or the "Ultimate Baseball Star",  he was the cleanup hitter for the national high school champs. It's said that pro teams already have their eyes on him. You even saw some people talking about you, with your title being the "Ultimate Artist", people saying that your art was something the world has never seen before, and how they would pay an arm and a leg to get a commission from you, which you just chuckled and rolled your eyes to, you wouldn't say your art was bad, but you wouldn't say it's better than the likes of Picasso, Frida, or even Leonardo.]

[You had skimmed through some more, noting the "Ultimate Fashionista" and the "Ultimate Biker Gang Leader" which you were a bit nervous about seeing as he's the de facto leader of every biker gang in Japan. Gangs everywhere love the guy... you also saw the "Ultimate Martial Artist", the '"Ultimate Fanfic Creator", the "Ultimate Gambler", the "Ultimate Swimming Pro", the "Ultimate Programmer", the "Ultimate Clairvoyant", and then some.]

[You had to admit, it was pretty intimidating knowing you were going to be in a class full of other "ultimates" like you.]

[You sigh and look over the letter you were sent again:]

Dear (Y/N) (L/N): 

"We at Hopes Peak would like to formally invite you into Hope's Peak Academy. Your artistic ability has stunned us all and we would love for you to be apart of our amazing school, you will be in a class with other students just like you, if you graduate, we can guarantee your life for success." 

-Signed H.P.A.

[You folded the letter up and placed it back into your pocket as you looked up again at the building. When suddenly you feel someone bump into you. You manage to catch yourself and turn, revealing a boy with brown hair with an ahoge sticking out, he also sported washed-out hazel eyes and wore black jeans with a open black jacket that had gold buttons.]

???: "Woah sorry, are you okay? I didn't mean to bump ya!"

[He looks at you worriedly as you just chuckle and shake your head.]

(Y/N): "Nah, you're fine man. I assume you're attending this place too?"

???: "Y-yeah."

[He looks up at the building.]

???: "Gotta admit, this place is a lot larger then I thought."

[You chuckle again, sharing the same thought.]

(Y/N): "Yeah, I thought the same when I arrived. I guess I should introduce myself, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)."

[You smile and reach out a hand to the boy. He looks at you as his eyes light up.]

???: "Wait, the (Y/N) (L/N)..? The Ultimate Artist?"

[Ooh boy here we go.]

(Y/N): "Yeah that's me.." [You say scratching the back of your head.]

[He laughs out of surprise and takes your hand and shakes it.]

???: "Well it's an honor to meet you!"

[The hand shake ends as he puts a hand on his chest.]

???: "My name is Makoto Naegi, I'm not really like you guys."

[You tilt your head, confused.]

(Y/N): "What do you mean by that?"

Makoto: "Well, I don't really have a talent.. instead I got randomly selected to attend the school. I'm known as the "Ultimate Lucky Student."

[You nod.]

(Y/N): "I see, well it's nice to meet you Makoto." [You say with a small smile.]

Makoto: "Same, well I assume we should head in..?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I got an e-mail about a meeting at 8 a.m."

[You checked your phone, revealing the time to be around 7:10.]

(Y/N): "Ehh we still have some time, but we should probably just head in since we're already here."

Makoto: "That's fair.. let's do this!"

[You both walked into the building, it's a pretty standard entrance.  Baige walls and some pillars holding up arches, with a white board off to the right with some papers magnetized to it.]

(Y/N): "Since we're here pretty early, let's go explore the place a bit." [You say looking at him.]

Makoto: "Y-yeah, we are students here now, so they shouldn't have an issue with us looking around right?"

[The moment you both walked through your heads started to spin.]

(Y/N): "What the..-"

[Your view became warped and twisted, you couldn't tell what was in front of you as you stumbled around, you tried to regain yourself, but before you could... everything went black.]

[This was your new life, and how the life as you knew it, came to an end.]

[To Be Continued...]

Artistic Novelty: Toko Fukawa X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now