[Chapter 2] Meet The Ultimates

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(Y/N): "..Nng?"

[You pick your head up, still pretty drowsy as you find yourself to be in a classroom, alone.]

(Y/N): "Wh-what...? Where am I?"

[You look down and see that you were sitting at a wooden desk, your body feeling heavy. You've never slept during classes so you were curious as to how you fell asleep here, you've never even been inside this classroom before.]

(Y/N): "What the heck is going on..?"

[Infront of you is a pretty nice looking teachers desk, that looks more like a podium than anything, at the front of it being a golden emblem of the schools logo, behind it being a chalkboard with nothing on it.] 

[To your right was the door, but before you left you wanted to get a look of your surroundings.]

[To your left on the other hand were giant metal sheets with equally giant screws holding them in place.]

(Y/N): "W-what the heck..? Why are the windows sealed?"

[You walked over to it and banged on it to be sure you weren't dreaming as you were met with the metaling banging of metal.]

(Y/N): "Yup. Definitely not a dream.."

[You sigh in defeat and turn around to notice a note on the desk you sat at, you picked it up and read it.]

(Y/N): "An orientation guide..?"

[The pamphlet was cheaply made, looking like a kid scribbled all over it. But through the mess you noticed hand writing.]

"The next semester is about to start. Starting today, this school will be your entire world."

[You shook your head in annoyance.]

(Y/N): "What kind of fucked up joke is this?" 

[You crumpled the paper and threw it into a near by garbage can. You hear something whir as you look up and see a surveillance camera pointed at you. Though you noted how they weren't any ordinary school cameras, they looked more like camera used in TV production.]

(Y/N): "Did I accidentally sign up for some TV show or something..?"

[You shake your head, and check the clock that was above the chalk board, you noticed that it was a little past 8.]

(Y/N): "Did someone carry me here after I passed out? Whatever, hopefully I get more info on what's going on at the meeting."

[You step out into the hallway, the hall has this purple hue to it with a checker board pattern, you look up at the room you came out of. 1-A.]

(Y/N): "Well, at least I'm on the main floor."

[You look to your left to see a class room a bit away from you, classroom 1-B. You also notice a sign and walk over to it.]

(Y/N): "Despair Hotel..? That's an odd name, isn't this supposed to be 'Hope's Peak..?'"

[You turn and make your way to an intersection, in front of you being a giant red door and to your left being a small green hued hallway. Toward the end to your left you take note of the A/V room, you jiggle the handle and it's locked. You sigh and make your way into the main area, with I a door sealed with tape saying "Keep Out" on it, you look at the sign and read "School Store". You continue making your way to the gym as you pass the nurse's office also sealed by the tape and the men and women's restrooms. You also notice the staircase to the second floor is sealed off. You go and try the gym's handle but it doesn't budge.]

Artistic Novelty: Toko Fukawa X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now