First encounter!

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It was Monday and tommy was working his usual shift like always at puffy's café it was getting late it was almost the end of his shift when a large 'BOOM' could be heard.

Tommy almost instantly got more tense than before He was startled of course by the noise and fucking terrified of the person that just came in "h-hello there, we-welcome to puffy's café, what would you like sir?" He said the sentence he always asked anyone when they came in, just with a stutter to it, which he mentally cursed himself for.

The man had a navy blue mask over his eyes to cover his identity he had coffee brown hair aswell, his brown trench coat with a gold chain on the collar held the two sides fastened over a yellow turtleneck, he had navy blue jeans to go with the mask, and probably the thing that made tommy jump was the smile he wore while walking into the place.

.This wasn't going to be great.

Tommy knew exactly who he was. This was siren. In the coffee shop. Where he works.

Is he here to rob the place, and kill tommy with it? He didn't want to die! He was only 16!..

..He would have to keep the man busy if he wants to get out alive

"Hmm, what do you suggest?" He asked and tommy looked at him with confusion and his fear melted 'really? He doesn't even know what he wants from the place? This is stupid' tommy mentality face palmed as a grin slipped across his face"the f-ck do you mean 'what do you pick' have you seen the damn menu?" Tommy asked pointing up to the menu above him" Also i dont drink anything from here." He admitted as his face turned cold again, back into a frown

"Whatever, i will take an..espresso with two pumps of white chocolate." He said as he put his elbow on the counter in-front of him and tommy looked almost disgusted with the order "the actual f-ck? Whatever fine then have your weird-ass drink then." Tommy started making the coffee "order for siren!" He yelled out and the man came over " thank- oh my- you piece of shit" he said looking at tommy with a glare "really?"

Siren showed tommy the writing on the cup it (of course) said 'dont blow up the district next time!'
Tommy looked at him " well its not my fault now is it?" He said

He felt like he was crossing the line here definitely, especially because siren hasn't said anything after about the cup, or anything at all in that matter.
it started to worry tommy it felt like it was clawing at his mind. He couldn't tell if siren was absolutely pissed or-

he heard a chuckle, and that very same chuckle formed into a laugh, it felt like it was fucking contagious because tommy was holding back his very own laughter, to be honest tommy couldn't even try to hold a straight face even.

After both of them calmed down siren said something unusual " you've got some weird-ass humor kid, i guess your kinda alright" "im not a child asshole!" Tommy said defensively "mhm suree" siren dragged out the last word,as he put the money on the table and started to walk out " bye child" siren said, trying to make tommy mad

After siren left tommy sighed but then realized what danger he was in. he had a full conversation with a VILLAIN!

The guy was an absolute idiot, no doubt. He called the biggest man of all time, Tommyinnit, a child?
But he also seemed more calm that what they depicted him as on TV..

But at least he paid and didn't kill him right? That was good right? I mean apparently he was funny enough for siren to let him go so that was good..hopefully.

But then again this is siren we are talking about. He takes a likening to you? Your royally fucked. There is no going back. Your doomed to be stuck in the hero's and villains world

To be completely honest with you, i had inspiration For this soooo Where stories live. Discover now