Chapter 14: Giselle

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'What's your favourite ice cream?' Rafe asks.

'Cookie dough.' I reply, looking up from the menu. Everything here is unhealthy and I know I'm going to have to work out to make sure it doesn't affect my weight.

'Doesn't that have too much far for a girl like you?' He asks laughing. I don't give him a reaction and he bites the corner of his lip nervously.

'Rafe!' a blonde waiter claps his hands. 'You're finally bringing a girl here.'

'She's just a friend.' He starts.

'His room mate.' I say at the same time and we smile stiffly at each other.

The waiter looks between us, the awkwardness rising and clears his throat.

'What will you be ordering?' He takes out a notepad.

"One cookie dough ice cream and a banana sundae split.' The man jots down our order before taking the menu and walking off.

"What's a banana split sundae?' I raise an eyebrow.

Rafe's eyes widen at my question. He looks like I've insulted him.

'You've never had a banana split sundae?' He asks.

'I don't think they have them in London.' I reply. If they do have them, I've never had the opportunity to try it.

"That's all going to change today Gigi.' I roll my eyes at the use of my annoying nickname.

The waiter bring us our desserts and we thank him before I dig in. Rafe scoops up his ice cream with a chunk of banana and I eat it.

'It's just vanilla ice cream with banana and syrup.' I shrug. 'Add a fancy name for pizzazz.'

'It is not just vanilla ice cream.' He gasps and I roll my eyes. It starts to get awkward as we silently eat.

'What's something embarrassing about you?'' I ask, trying my best to break the ice.

'Trying to ruin my reputation?' Rafe raises an eyebrow and smirks.

'Something like that.' I smile. Rafe eyes me before stabbing into his ice cream.

'Once I was in so much trouble at school and Mom called me into the principals office saying 'Rafe Lesley Hartley' come here immediately.' He explains.

'Your middle name is Lesley!' I laugh.

I double over in laughter, clutching my stomach. Mr 'playboy' has once of the worst middle names ever.

'Ok.' Rafe rolls his eyes and I laugh harder, tears forming at the corners of my eyes. 'We get it.'

'Sure Lesley!' I laugh.

'Gigi we get it.' He grumbles.

I open my mouth again when he shoves a spoonful of cookie dough ice cream in it.

'That should shut you up.' He smirks, leaning back and smiling.

'I hate you.' I mutter, wiping my mouth.

'It's reciprocated.' He smiles and I feel a twinge in my heart.


I take a deep breath as Toxic by Brittany Spears blasts through my earphones. I chose this song to do my routine to, as it was one of my mum's favourites. The elimination round is just two days after Ice Pucks match against the Sea Dogs.

I shake my head so that I can focus on my routine. I skate around before leaping into the air and performing a triple axel. I close my eyes as I spin in the air. I manage a shaky land but it's much better than falling completely. I skate across the ice, picking up speed before lowering myself to the ground. I bend one leg underneath me and lean backwards, my hair grazing the ice. I swiftly get up and skate backwards, preparing myself to try a Salchow leap. I jump off my left foot, spread my legs as I spin. When I think I've aced it, my leg buckles and I fall. This is the third time I've tried this. I stand up, trying to catch my breath and take out my earphones.

'That was really good.' A voice says from behind me. I turn around and see Tyler skating towards me.

'I didn't know someone was here.' I reply, skating to go get my things. Tyler grabs my arm and turns me to face him.

'I'm sorry for ignoring you.' He says, rubbing the back of his neck. 'I have no sorry excuse to tell you.'

'It's alright.' I reply, trying to move my arm but his grip hardens on me.

I get an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, the same feeling I got when my ex grabbed me like that.

'I've just been preoccupied with training for the game tomorrow.' He explains.

'I said it fine.' I grit my teeth. My eyes never leaving his hand on my arm. 'Can you let go of me.'

Tyler eyes me before letting go of my arm and I don't hesitate to skate off the ice and quickly grab my things. I change in the locker room and make my way to the dorms. I shake my mind, trying to forget about the weird encounter when I bump into someone.

'Woah Gigi,' Rafe says. He looks down at me and his smile drops. 'Are you ok?'

'Yeah,' I reply quickly and Rafe narrows his eyes. 'Just tired.'

Before he can say anything I move around him and get back to my dorm. When I walk in, Archer sits on the couch and Anya walks out of her room.

'Nice necklace.' I say to her.

'Thank you,' She smiles. 'Beatrix got it for me.' She fiddles with the gold heart pendant around her neck. Behind her, Archer rolls his eyes and looks back at his phone.

'How are you guys?' I ask her.

'Really good, we might be going on another date s-' She starts when Archer gets up and clears his throat.

'I'm leaving.' He mutters. 'The whole place is yours.' I raise an eyebrow and he shoots me a stiff smile.

'What's up with him?' I ask, when Archer leaves the room.

'He's complaining that Beatrix is always here.' She rolls her eyes. 'But we don't say anything when he and Rafe bring their hoes here.'

'Yeah,' I laugh. 'They shouldn't have a say.'

She shrugs and slumps on the couch before putting on the TV.


I hope you're all enjoying the story! Have a nice day!

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