The #NationalAmbroseDay Project

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⭐️Skip To The Line Of Stars Only For The DirectIons For #NationalAmbroseDay ⭐️

     On July 3rd marks the day that all chaos begins. It's the day all hell breaks loose. The day the unstable is released from their straight-jacket. A day FCW meets the full package. That day that everything slowly changes.

       The day...Dean Ambrose...walks into the building.

      Dean Ambrose made his televised debut on July 3rd in FCW (Florida Championship Wrestling [The Indies]) to challenge Seth Rollins for the FCW championship. He went on in the company to have amazing feuds well known with Rollins and William Regal. 

     Ambrose quickly made an impact in the area already labeled as crazy, unstable, insane, mental, sadistic, and twisted. He was really dedicated to his character (I would wonder if he was actually that way) and produced someone that everyone's eye seemed to catch. His movements were incredible; the way he talks and wrestlers would tell a whole story. The gun pointing, random out-breaks of peculiar dances, the laughing at pain- it was all an addition to his character. 

      *This is Ambrose's Debut Promo: 

 "I'm a trend setter, I am a difference maker. I didn't get here by following anybody's lead and I didn't come here to fit into anybody's mold. As of right now, be ready to forget what you think you know about FCW and this industry because Dean Ambrose is about to blow the doors off everything!"

    *If you haven't seen the video, I advise you to watch it when Dean Ambrose did a backstage promo on William Regal clearly in distraught:

 "That's what you do, you take. You all take.

The drugs took my mom.

The cops took my dad.

Social workers came and took my little cousin.

Beautiful girl, smart as a whip.

The only positive light I ever had in my life.

I could've protected her!

She wouldn't have to go through what I went through, but they took her away.

They said I wasn't good enough to take care of her , and she's gone.

They took her away...

I don't have anything left.

This is all I have left!

This Is All I Have!" 

     That sparked something which had actual WWE superstars recommending someone like Dean to immediately join the main roster. Then there was NXT

were Ambrose took on CM Punk, a guy who greatly admired him. After

his victory, Punk sat to talk about people going through developmental and went on with how everyone should watch out for guys like Dean Ambrose, "he's this company's secret weapon".

      The people were waiting for the arrival of Dean Ambrose like us fans now waiting for Finn Balor to make an appearance on the roster. He was then placed in a trio known as The Shield with partners Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. The trio earned a name for themselves as they are still mentioned in the WWE, which then disbanded due to Seth Rollins selling out for The Authority. During their past, Ambrose was the talker of the group and the most explosive. It was Dean that always had the mic, but afterwards considered to be a weak link in the group- that's what had people raising eyebrows. Dean Ambrose was who most saw as the one to strive the furthest, but soon Roman Reigns became the fan favorite of the group. 

      When the team broke up with Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose still having each other's back, Ambrose reached the top with fans and later had record selling merchandise that surpassed some of its bests. As he was on the hunt for Rollins, he continued to be cheated and screwed through most PPV matches and had developed a losing PPV streak. The streak made him lose momentum, but that's when the fans stepped in. Social media exploded with rants about how Dean Ambrose was in the process of being used incorrectly and was even given an Appreciation Day which was trending on Twitter for more than half a day. Ambrose continued losing with fans assuming he'll win the big one at Wrestlemania. When that didn't happen, Ambrose went on to break his streak by beating Luke Harper and wounded up in the championship picture. 

     Right now, Ambrose is still a favorite with his thousands of fans supporting him wherever he goes, and looking back at the Lunatic Fringe's journey, he has come a long way. WWE has yet to find the key to Ambrose, but maybe they are waiting for the right moment to unlock the true lunatic in him. Maybe a possible heel turn in the future, but he hasn't been completely unchained yet due to all the skills WWE tries to limit. One thing that isn't overlooked is the talent Dean Ambrose truly has. He can draw a crowd in without even saying a word, but it's best he does because he is one of the top promo speakers WWE has today. He's truly a keeper and we're appreciative that someone like Ambrose joined the WWE.

That is why we Ambrose fans are marking July 3rd as #NationalAmbroseDay. 


#NationalAmbroseDay is not an ordinary day for Ambrose fans and the whole WWE Universe should acknowledge it. This is the day that Dean Ambrose was introduced into the WWE world through FCW. 

There will be count downs till this day and we need everyone's help. 


When Spreading The Word & On July 3rd

USE THESE HASHTAGS: #NationalAmbroseDay #DeanAmbrose #WWE

(spell them correctly)


Do whatever it takes to spread the word about #NationalAmbroseDay

You can post reminders, mark it in your calendars because that day will be big! The day before Independence Day, everyone should be hyped & ready to go. You can make edits, but try to remind all on every type of media you can.

 July 3rd Is The Anniversary of Dean Ambrose's Debut Starting In The FCW & Then Advancing To The WWE. On July 3rd 2015, We'll Post Memes, Pics, Videos, GIFs, Vines, Edits, Posters, Drawings, etc To Celebrate His Journey- 

 📱Use All Types Of Media📱

Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook, Vine, Snapchat, We ❤️ It, Pinterest, Mass Text, Youtube, Email, & etc., We Will Cover The Internet With This.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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