⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆Chapter 4⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆

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 The kids sleepily got up once the daycare was brightly lit once again. Sun encourages and hypes the kids to play once more. His booming, confident voice rang through the daycare. I hesitantly join alongside Sun's side, he flashes a worried look towards me before he looks back out at the children with his all-so-familiar grin. "ALRIGHTY KIDDIES, LET'S PUT THOSE ARTISTIC SKILLS TO USE!!!" He excitedly exclaims, happily swaying around.

The kids storm to the art tables, brimming with newfound creativity and delight. I decided to sit next to some kids, engaging with them as they enthusiastically showed me their artwork. The scent of crayons and markers fills my senses. Hm. They even got scented markers as well. As I look around I notice that the art tables are absolutely decked out with any arts & crafts supplies imaginable, my face now in awe.

"Hi Miss Y/N!!" They shout out. "Hey! What's up guys? What are we drawing today?" I enthusiastically ask. One girl excitingly shows a crude drawing of a glitter rainbow with dogs littered all over the page.

"Bro, that is too cool. Are those your favorite dogs?" I complimented. "Yeah! I want as many dogs as possible!" "I'm sure you will!" After a while, even I got sucked into the madness, drawing mindlessly.

Finishing, the dawning realization hits me like a truck as I look over it one last time. I ended up drawing Sun. Ugh. I fold the paper and shove it in a pocket of mine, almost as if I was shoving that lump of embarrassment down as well. How could I be so obvious? Just as I tried to shake off my self-consciousness, Sun gently approached me, his demeanor in stark contrast to Moon's murdery kill kill bullshit earlier. "H-Hey, Sunshine?" "Mhm?" "Are you alright? What happened?"

I hesitated for a moment before answering, "Nothing, I'm fine, Sunny. Please stop worrying..." He gently caresses where Moon had cut me, making me flinch, "Stay here."

I obliged, waiting for his return. After a minute or so, he returns with a first-aid kit. Getting closer, he tends to my wound with such gentleness. It was comforting, really, but I couldn't help but feel a twinge of both humiliation and vulnerability.

"Sun, you don't really have to do this, I can do it myself. I'm a big girl y'know."

"I know you are capable, but this is the least I could do after what had happened. I care about you so, SO much and I'm so sorry for what happened. Let me take care of you, Y/N," he said sincerely.

His words touched me, especially after such a frightening encounter with his counterpart. "I appreciate it, Sunny, thank you." His rays started spinning at the mention of his nickname, his grin somehow becoming wider. He finished tending the wound, and seemingly out of habit, he kissed where the wound had been.

My eyes widened. Realizing what he had done he stammered, "Oh stars- I'm sorry I d-didn't mean to, I swear! Just habit-" "No, no it's fine! I believe you. Thank you for everything."

That same whirring noise from inside him came back, almost simulating a purr. "You're too cute..." I admit, hugging Sun. "You think I'm cute?" He stammers once again, steam emanating from him.

"OOOOOO MISS Y/N'S HUGGING SUN!!!" A kid shouts out, instantly capturing the attention of the other children. Causing "ooo's" around and giggling.

"Well, I must be a pretty lucky star then," he said, his bashful demeanor instantly shifting, turning to glance at the kids with a playful grin. This egged the children on even more.

Trying to mask my embarrassment, I roll my eyes. "Alright, alright kids, it should be about time where you have to say bye-bye to Sun now," I announce, already seeing parents lineup to pick up their kids.


Crossing out the tasks on my list, there was one yet to be crossed out, maintenance check-ups on both Sun and Moon. Shouldn't be too hard right? "Good work today, Sunshine!" He exclaims. "Thanks, Sun! Think I did an okay job for my first day?"

"ABSOLUTELY! YOU DID GREAT! OH! MORE THAN GREAT ACTUALLY!!!" He shouts, brimming with excitement. "Okayy, okay thank you, Sun. No need to get all gushy here..." I mutter, trying to hide my now red face.

Sun chuckled warmly, seemingly unfazed by my playful attempt to deflect his praise. "Just can't help it, Sunshine," he replies. "Okay, let's just get this out of the way so we can close up for tonight. We're going to be heading down to Parts and Services for both you and Moon's check-ups." I explain, trying to change the subject.

The mention of Parts and Services seems to instill fear within him, seeing that his expression immediately changed just by the sheer mention of it. "Orrr, we can just have a sleepover instead????" Sun bargains. "Sun, no. I need to make sure you're functioning properly and that nothing is wrong." Sun scoffed at this. "I am perfectly working fine, thank you."

"Are you really sassing me right now?" I question, placing my hand on my hip in a playful manner. "And what if I am?" He remarks.

I just sigh at this, rubbing my temples, as if searching for any patience for this big baby right in front of me. "Sun, we're doing this whether you like it or not. Just literally let me do my job. Whatever you're afraid of, isn't going to happen." He huffs, sitting down on the play-mat floor, protesting against moving. "No." "You asked for it."

I now begin to slowly drag him by his ruffled collar. "GOD WHY ARE YOU SO HEAVY!" I shriek, pulling him with all my might. "HEY DON'T SHAME ME! DON'T FORGET I HAVE SOMETHING OF YOURS!"

"You what." 

Word Count: 969

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