A Little Fun

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I was driving on my way to meet Adeline kind of happy to be out, happy that I took advice from a stranger but with slight hope that she doesn't call a gang to kidnap me and then murder me, also hoping that no one could see through my caked face the amount of makeup I had to put on the left side of my face to hide the big bruise on my cheek, not to mention my puffy eyes that were just swollen from me fighting so hard not to cry. But nothing a bit of vodka can't fix.

I finally got to the party and it was in a warehouse not like a horror movie type of warehouse like a known place that they took time to decorate for the event although there wasn't any need for much decor because it was dark and the neon lights were the decor. I walked further into the space, and I immediately found Adeline, she was swirling on a chair at the bar while she was talking to two other people, she looked happy to be here and I thought I wish that I could have the same smile as her when it was time to leave. I walked up to her, and she immediately hugged me.

"Guys this is my friend I've been telling you about, her name's Arya" she eagerly introduced

The two guys laugh and so did I

The guy on the right puts his hand out for me to shake "I'm Cole" he introduced himself with a pleasant smile

"I'm Liam" the other guy introduced and took my hand as well "don't worry she's not drunk that's just how she is"

He laughed and I could feel the energy radiating off of them it was something good I could tell I was going to have fun tonight

I couldn't see much all I could tell was that the guys were tall well anyone that's taller than me is tall

It wasn't long before a drink was stuck into my hand and then I started doing shots with Liam. I hadn't had alcohol in a while so you can bet that it all went to my head quicker than you'd think but I didn't waste it though I burned every drop from every glass I drank on the dance floor. I danced like it was probably my last night on Earth, but I think that's just the way my mind avoids thinking about the hangover to come. You could feel the good vibes flow like a virus, but a good one. There's love in the air, all hyped up and ready to give us a good time. Adeline weaves through the guys and girls like a pro, her smile wider than the golden gates, no doubt she was happy.

She came back over to me and held my hands and started jumping up and down, of course I matched her energy and sang the lyrics of 'Beautiful' by One Direction as it was being mixed into different songs

Hours on hours passed dancing, singing and drinking, well me and Liam that is because Adeline was supposed to be the designated driver we realized that I drove here so I needed someone to bring my car

My body wasn't working at this point, it was already 4 in the morning

Yup that's it for me
I laughed to myself as Cole and Adeline carried me to Adeline's car

"Niiiiceee carrrr" I slurred and laughed again

"Thanks" Addy laughed

"Alright party animal hand me your keys" Cole said and I did as told

"Car there" I pointed towards my car shockingly parked close to Addy's car

"Nice car" Addy mocked and I snickered

"Work hard kids n youzzz can makes it" I said with my fist in the air talking like a politician but only thing was that no one knew Buzz Lightyear was a candidate for president

I fell back into the car and Liam took the front seat clearly he wasn't as drunk as me because unlike me he could still move his feet on his own

I bet he could use his brain too

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