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Yunho sits on the couch, leaning back and staring forward blankly. His blood covered palms lay facing upwards on his thighs limply. The blood had dried completely and had started flaking off whenever Yunho moved them, making him stop moving altogether.

5-8 and 4-1 were focused on Sa-wol in the other room, and Yunho registered the sounds of the boy panicking, but was too out of it to comprehend what was happening. The two knights eventually come out into the living room, both sparing a quick glance towards Yunho.

"His skull must have stopped the bullet." 4-1 says as she hands 5-8 the bullet she took out of Sa-wol's head, but realizes that Yunho can hear her, causing her to whisper. "If it's what I think it is—"

"That's enough for today." 5-8 cuts her off. "Let's keep this between us for now." He tells her, walking to the kitchen to grab a wet cloth, planning on wiping the blood off Yunho again.

"Okay." 4-1 quickly agrees, before looking at Yunho. "Should I take a look at him?" She asks, not knowing if he was hurt or not considering the amount of blood on him.

"He's fine." 5-8 brushes off her concern, knowing there's nothing she can do for Yunho. 4-1 sighs but doesn't insist, quickly taking her leave.

5-8 takes off his jacket after walking to Yunho, throwing it on the other side of the couch. He stands in front of him, watching for a response. He isn't even acknowledged, making him sigh as he sits on the coffee table directly in front of Yunho, trapping the smallers legs with his own.

"Yunho." He calls him with a raised voice, making Yunho flinch, as his eyes dart to 5-8. Finally having his attention, 5-8 grabs one of his hands gently and wipes the damp cloth over his knuckles, the blood slowly coming off. He continues like that for a few minutes, Yunho quietly watching him.

"I'm sorry." Yunho eventually whispers, his state of shock slowly dissipating. 5-8 doesn't stop cleaning the blood, but looks at Yunho who refuses to meet his eyes. Yunho didn't exactly know what he was apologizing for, but he felt the need to.

"How did you know her?" He asks, the question having been on 5-8's mind for a while now. The girl, who Yunho called Seul-ah, was clearly a lot younger than Yunho so he was confused on how he knew her.

Yunho drops his head farther down. "Seul-ah?" 5-8 hums a conformation. "I was in the same unit as her older sister." Yunho's eyes tear up, but he refuses to cry again in front of 5-8. "Seol-ah's a year older than me and she always treated me like a little brother. I spent a lot of time at her house, so Seul-ah was a little sister to me." He leans forward and rests his arms on his legs, holding his head in his hands. 5-8 was forced to stop wiping the blood, but only a bit was left.

He leans forward to be at the same level as Yunho, the other moving to rest his head on his chin, finally meeting 5-8's eyes. "Major Seol-ah?" He asks, recalling the name. Yunho tilts his head then smiles gently.

"Is she a major now?" Yunho wasn't surprised. Seol-ah always was a good leader, and he didn't doubt for a moment that she managed to become a major. Before he can be more excited to hear about her, he remembers what happened.

Seol-ah was going to be heartbroken. Her little sister meant the world to her, and now that she's gone Yunho worries about what's going to happen to her. Before he could spiral into his thoughts again, he's flicked on the forehead.

"Ow! What the hell was that for?"

"We have things to do." 5-8 tells him, but remains where he is at, confusing Yunho. They sit in silence for a moment while 5-8 finds his words. "Are you going to be okay?" He decides on, not knowing what else to say. Yunho gives a wry smile.

"Probably not. I don't think I have been for a while." He admits as he goes to get up, planning on checking on Sa-wol. He's suddenly pushed back onto the couch, then pulled into a tense hug. He freezes, his arms awkwardly in the air. "What're you doing?"

5-8 roughly pushes Yunho's head to his shoulder, forcing him to relax. "Just go with it."

Yunho slowly puts his hands on the others back, unknowingly melting into the hug. 5-8 clearly didn't know what he was doing, still being tense and awkward, but Yunho appreciated it anyway. He wasn't sure when the last time he hugged someone like this was. For a few minutes, the two sit there together, 5-8 eventually relaxing as well, one of his hands resting on the back of Yunho's neck.

"We should probably check on the kid." Yunho eventually whispers, a bit reluctant to get up. 5-8 pulls away and stands up, dragging Yunho with him. They quietly go to the other room, seeing Sa-wol still passed out.

For the first time, Yunho is getting a good look at him. His head was bandaged and he was covered in blood, but what caught both 5-8 and Yunho's attention was his ankle. A cut exposes a sliver of metal. 5-8 doesn't seem surprised, but Yunho is.

"So it wasn't just a rumor." 5-8 says calmly, sitting down in the chair next to the bed. Yunho stands behind him, looking at the cut, knowing exactly what rumor he was talking about.

"So, are mutants real? I thought the rumors were all bullshit." He questions, not wanting to believe something so absurd.

"Well, the proof is in front of us." 5-8 and Yunho both stare at Sa-wol, questioning themselves on what mutants existing can mean.


I finally finished this chapter, sorry about it taking so long. Yesterday was my birthday and I was planning on publishing this then, but I hadn't managed to finish it in time. School also started yesterday (thankfully I'm in online school so it didn't really matter that it was on my birthday) so I'm going to think about putting a update schedule in place because I'm planning on writing for at least an hour everyday after I finish my classes. I'll wait a week or so to see if I can actually keep up with that before trying to make a schedule, but please let me know what days you would like the best. I'm at least going to keep it at once a week but maybe more if I can write a bit faster. This isn't the only story I'm writing so not all my attention is on it, but I will try my best to become more consistent with everything. 

Sorry about my little rant  T_T

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