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Kageyama can't really believe it. His, Hinata shoyo came out of nowhere. "Is it really you?" Kageyama couldn't hide the doubt in his voice.

"Yes, dumbass." Hinata raised his arms signaling a hug.

Kageyama rushed to hug him. He didn't realize but he instinctively picked Hinata up and started twirling him around in the middle of the park; The park was their stage and the moon was their spotlight. They danced so gracefully. Engulfing one another's warmth that has yet to be forgotten. He set down Hinata and let go.

Right as Hinata left his safe arms everything thing went dark. He could feel the warmth and comfort of Hinata slowly leave his arms. He's fading. His Hinata. The one person who finally lifted his evergrowing weight of sadness has left, once again. Where is he!? He can't leave already! "Hinata!" Kageyama yelled out. No answer. 

Kageyama looked around. Everything was dark. There was nothing but a small light flickering in the distance. He started walking towards it. The light was a street lamp. The lamp looked rather familiar. It was the same streetlamp Kageyama and Hinata would pass on their daily walks.

Kageyama looked down to see a sidewalk with chalk on it reading "the spot". They would meet here after school but Hinata was forgetful so Kageyama wrote this on the floor to remind him. But he wrote this years ago when they were 14. Where am I!? Kageyama thought.

 Kageyama could faintly hear; "You can't catch meeee!!" Kageyama turned around and saw a small Hinata running straight for him. He's going to run into me. Kageyama got worried for the child.

"Watch out Hinata!" Kageyama said but the child version of Hinata didn't hear him and kept running. He ran right through Kageyama. "What..." Kageyama couldn't understand. "What is happening?"

Right then Kageyama saw himself; More rather a small version of himself. The kid was yelling after child Hinata "Hinata get over here!" The kid version of Kageyama wasn't running after the other kid. He was quite calm actually, he had a familiar smile that Kageyama knew very well. This kid is in love.

Kageyama remembers this night. Hinata invited Kageyama to stay over, and being the simp he is, he agreed. Hinata wanted to go to the park in the middle of the night so they snook out through Hinata's bedroom window, where Kageyama slipped. Hinata helped Kageyama up. That was one of the first times Kageyama realized how absolutely beautiful Hianata's eyes could be. His eyes shined so engrossingly that all Kageyama could do was stare intently. He noticed that Hianta's eyes reflected the stars in a way he never saw. Kageyama could stay staring at his best friend's eyes for as long as he lived. 

"TAG YOU'RE IT!" Kageyama snapped out of his trance as he saw Hinata run down the hill. Kagayma was still in a trance-like state so he slowly got up with a goofy smile and started after his best friend... or is he my first love? Kageyama's gay awakening has started.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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