The game of destiny is always brutal yet sweet.. it is sweeter who learned it and harder for those who cried over it...
Two different personalities who share same story from different book
Little did they know about they have similar plots..
Years a...
Date:- 19 August 2023 I was getting bored so after reading a lot of books from here I decided to try my hand in writing as well.. Since this is the outcome of my boredom...You may find it boring.. And this is my 1st time in writing so if u find it boring u can skip it... Cause You might have read this type of books.. Similar to any event or name is matter of co-incident
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Aashi Sharma:-
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Abhik Gupta:-
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Pic credit:- Pinterest; Edited by me
Read if u didn't find it boring or else you can skip it and sorry in advance if you find any error in my writing skills as I am new to this field
And long ago during the lockdown I had plans for writing a book at that time I dropped the idea owing to board my first online friend @ mythooolover was all ready to help me with that but back then I have prioritsed my 10th boards over a book even she helped me with that I have planning to give her special mention but as our boards get cancelled I forgot the plot which I have planned so now post 12th when I get this idea out of boredom I decides to thank her hete Idk if she is active here or not
Not only here to all my online friends (I guess they have left this platform) to new ones as well thanks for all of your constant support