Innocence Shattered

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Jungkook was a hardworking college student, always focused on his studies. His parents worked a lot, and his brothers were often busy with their own things.

Jungkook, being innocent and quiet, faced bullying at college because he was quiet and focused on his studies.

One day as Jungkook was studying in the university library, he unexpectedly came across his bully, Junho.

"Hey, Jungkook, you think you're so smart, huh? Always buried in your books. Do you even know how to have fun?" Junho smirks.

 "I'm just here to study. I don't want any trouble." Jungkook said as he  wanted to stand up for himself.

Junho, smirk saying "Trouble? You're trouble just by being here. No one wants you around."

As Junho's insults grew louder, Jungkook's frustration reached its peak. As he shout at Junho "Enough! I may be quiet, but that doesn't mean I'll let you or anyone else treat me like this." 

Junho got angry and  throw a punch at Jungkook but he dodged it and fought back.

Junho was surprised by Jungkook's action and stumbled back. "You think you can fight back? You're nothing!" He said, grabbing Jungkook's shirt collar, while Jungkook held onto his with equal anger.

"What is going on here?" Professor Lee asked sternly.

"He started it! He's always causing trouble." Junho said pointing  at Jungkook.

Jungkook was  breathless but  responded "I've had enough of being treated this way. I won't be a victim anymore."

Professor Lee, with a disapproving look at Jungkook  and said "You should focus on your studies and leave social matters to those who understand how to handle them. I'll be keeping an eye on you."

He was already biased against Jungkook, so he decided to tell Jungkook's family about what happened without considering the full story, and he did just that.

In Mr. Lee's office :

Jungkook  was now standing in front of his  family  who looks super mad at him. They were upset because of what Mr. Lee told them. They didn't know the whole story, and they blamed Jungkook for causing trouble.

"Jungkook, what is going on? Professor Lee called us and told us about some fight at the university. Do you have any idea how this could affect the family?"Mr. Kim, sternly said.

"This is embarrassing for us, Jungkook. We've worked so hard to build a good name for ourselves and our company. How could you do this?"Mrs. Kim, looking upset.

Jin chimed in disappointed  "You're risking everything we've worked for, Jungkook. What were you thinking?"

"I was just standing up for myself. I couldn't take the bullying anymore." Jungkook tried to explain.

 "Standing up for yourself? Great way to ruin the family reputation." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"We don't need this kind of trouble, Jungkook. You're being selfish."Hoseok said with a disappointed expression.

Jungkook x BTS[ BTS as Brothers one- short Stories] Book-2 Where stories live. Discover now