Brats become bratier?

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Once upon a time, there existed 3 annoying brats sitting in a measly auditorium. The brats wanted to write a story that would impress the everything. Many of their 'friend' [There was only one and they didn't want to get involved with the stupidity of the brats] doubted their creativity. But the brats wanted to prove them wrong and do brat things to them; because they were brats.

They managed to write the story which surprisingly didn't take very long and they even wrote it a happy ending. They wanted to show them the masterpiece of a lifetime to the smart kid and even she was impressed. [of how horrible it was]

The three brats filled with joy after getting approved by such a smart kid decided to take it to the next level and became amazing authors that broke world records. 

Being the brats they were, they became greedy of their awards and were overflowing with pride, absolutely destroying the self confidence of everyone around them. They would never shut up about their awards and flexed to their cousins, classmates and even a random pedestrian who just got fired from his job. Already feeling horrible after getting fired from his job, he had to deal with the brats who were much younger, yet more successful than him. He walked home feeling the whole world against him. But let that be that because he is just a random side character.

They would make advertisements of their award that wasn't really an advertisement. They said they were advertising their award. Despite being award winners for the best books, their social skills, grammar, common sense and logical thinking was absolutely terrible. They should probably learn the difference between advertising and bragging.

They made the teachers go out of business and ruined their lives revealing all their embarrassing secrets from their private life. Don't ask me how the went out of business just because one of the teachers farted really loudly in a parent teacher meeting. I mean, The fart was really stinky but how did that-

These terrible people were still human and they died later on. For the better or the worst of our humanity.[ probably better]

They had no funeral.

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