MY SCHOOL confessions

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Hi people's schools out and I thought I should confess some the things I did at school

First of all, I would usually eat my lunch in science class when the teacher was not looking. and close to the end of the year I found out she has a son that goes to the same school as me

Second I had a friend named Nick and strange things happened around him. He would have different clothes and shoes during different times of the day. Sometimes when I call him Nick when I said hi he would say that he's not Nick, and one time when we were going to our next period I thought that I saw two Nicks talking to each other. When it was close to the end of the year, I found out that he has a twin.

My third and final confession, is that at the beginning of the year I thought that the student T,A( teacher's assistance) did not have to do school work, but later I found out that that was just there elective, and they only got to do it for one period... So those are my confessions and as I was writing this, I got really embarrassed on some of the stuff. Oh and before I forget I would like if you would like and comment and if you see any grammer or spelling problems please tell me also if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. and before I go I know that this story is mainly suppose to be about tiny smack so her story will be in the next update. " I better be in the next chapter or else I'll tiny smack you with this frying pan " tiny smack yells as she busted through the brick wall. "NO NOT THE FRYING PAN!!!!!" I shout as I cowered behind the counter

P.S I need a new cover so can you please help me with ideas I got nothing. :[(