Part 1 -- How It Started

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"Jake, wake up. It's a special day today," I said, smiling down at the sleeping teen.

He didn't even move. Typical for a human kid,  I thought, slightly annoyed, and grabbed his phone that was resting alongside him. 

"Hey Siri," I whispered, "set a timer for one minute." 

"Okay. Your timer has been set," the AI voice replied in its usual cheerful tone.

Now all I had to do was wait. 


Jake woke up to the sound of his alarm. Ugh, time to wake up for school already?  he thought groggily, slamming "STOP" on his phone and sitting up. He stretched out his arms and let out a wide yawn. But when he looked at his surroundings, it seemed to still be night.

What?  he thought, confused. He grabbed his phone. "2:57 AM," read the display.

"But that's not right," he wondered out loud. "Why would I have an alarm now?"

As he watched, a door magically appeared on the wall directly across from him. "What the hell?" There was a sign on the door written on a sheet of paper, but it was too dark to clearly make out what it said.

Intrigued, Jake got out of bed and inspected the door. It was a basic white wooden door with a silver door handle. The taped sign said, in red pen and neat handwriting, "Open this door and you'll go somewhere familiar yet completely foreign." Jake, his curiosity getting the best of him, slowly creaked open the door and stepped inside, expecting a crazy new world to explore.

It was just his bedroom again. Huh?  he thought. Ugh, none of this makes any sense!  He turned around to go through the door again, but the door had mysteriously vanished. Jake started panicking.

Suddenly, he heard a voice from behind him. "Hello, Jake! Glad to see you've finally woken up. Though, you're gonna be sleeping for a while longer." Jake started to turn around, when he felt something heavy and hard clobber his head. He fell to the ground in a daze and passed out cold. 


Jake woke up to the sound of his alarm. Ugh, time to wake up for school already?  he thought groggily, slamming "STOP" on his phone and sitting up. He stretched out his arms and let out a wide yawn. Then he remembered what had happened earlier. What a strange dream,  he mused, and got out of bed.

After he brushed his teeth and took a quick shower, he looked through his wardrobe for something to wear. A grey shirt and black jeans will do,  he decided, and my favorite jacket to go along with it. There was just one problem.

He couldn't, for the love of Luni, find his jacket. He looked everywhere he could possibly think of, to no success. He finally gave up and chose a light navy oversized zip-up hoodie instead. He then headed downstairs and to his car.

Surprisingly, there was no one downstairs. Odd,  thought Jake, but he didn't think too much of it. Mom's probably dropping Milo off at school. And so he opened the door to his garage, opened the garage door, and...

Snow. Snow, everywhere. All the trees, roofs, and trash bins were covered in snow. Now Jake was very confused. It's September, why is it snowing? It shouldn't for at least a month or two... He sighed, for even though Jake could drive, he wasn't the best, and he didn't want to risk anything by driving in the snowy conditions. Guess I'll just take the public bus. 

Two minutes later, Jake was standing next to the bus stop, shivering. "Wh-why d-didn't I ch-choose b-better clothing!" he whined out loud, his teeth chattering because of the cold. He felt angry all of a sudden. Why can't the bus hurry up! Any longer and I'll be late for class... well, not that I'm much better normally,  he reminded himself. After another agonizing minute in the snow, the bus pulled up to the stop and opened the doors. Jake practically scrambled into the bus, handed the driver a couple dollars, and sunk into a seat, admiring the warmth. Ahh, finally some relief from the stinging cold air! 


About fifteen minutes later, the bus pulled up to a certain bus stop. My stop! Jake remembered, and he got up and exited the bus. Now, it might be faster if I run,  he thought, so he ran the 0.3 miles to school. He was exhausted and very, very cold after that, almost passing out when he stumbled into the building that is Rosemeadow High School.

"Woah, look atcha! What happened?" asked Zander as soon as he spotted Jake.

"Jake, what are you wearing? You're going to freeze to death in that," said Hailey, looking annoyed.

"Well, I was a little, uh, forgetful of the weather," Jake admitted. Hailey rolled her eyes. "Typical Jake." 

"Dude! Did you run all the way to school or something? Cause you look terribly out of shape," Luke commented. 

"And really cold," added Zander. 

"Look what he's wearing, dumbass. No wonder he's cold," Hailey said. 

"No, Luke, I didn't run all the way here, just, like, a quarter mile of the way," Jake replied to Luke, laughing awkwardly. 

Hailey opened her locker and pulled out a fluffy brown jacket. "Here," she said, handing it to Jake. "Don't want you to die of hypothermia." 

"Oh, thanks Hailey!" Jake said, grateful. He put the jacket on immediately. "I'll make sure to give it back tomorrow." 

"Don't bother. You can keep it. Well, cya in English class," waved Hailey to Jake, and she turned and headed to her first period, Honors Math. Zander and Luke watched her go, then waved a goodbye to Jake as well and headed in the opposite direction to their first period, History.

Jake sighed. It was going to be a long day.

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