Part 2 -- Realization

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Quick author's note: This story takes place before Jake decided to do a duet with Hailey (basically before Ep 7).

After Science, Jake was finally glad for it to be lunchtime. After getting the cafeteria lunch, he walked over to his usual table with his homies - Drew, Henry, and Liam. Except they weren't there. Instead, Hailey, Zander, and Luke were there instead. And they looked as if they were expecting him.

"Hey Jake," said Hailey. "You sure took your time."

"Uhh... I guess?" Jake replied, unsure of what to do. This wasn't what he was expecting at all. He normally only hung out with the members of the Music Club from 12:30 onwards, after he had already eaten lunch.

"So? What are you waiting for? Sit down!" Hailey said, this time a little more forcefully.

"Okay then..." Jake sat down. "But, you know, normally I hang out with Drew and the others during lunch."

Hailey's eyes darkened. "Don't bring up Drew and those other music freaks," she spat.

Uh, what? Jake was extremely bewildered at this. "Huh? But, aren't you guys in the music club?"

Everyone turned to look at Jake as if he was insane. "You okay, Jake?" asked Zander. "You sure you didn't hit your head on a rock or something?"

"Yeah," added Luke, "what if you have a concussion? You don't seem to be feeling well."

"N-no, I'm fine, nothing to worry about," Jake assured them.

"Then why are you acting so strange?" asked Hailey. "Why would we be in the club with those freaks?"

"But you started the club," Jake pointed out. "And you three, and Milly, and Sean, are all in it."

"Yeah, he's definitely gone insane," confirmed Zander.

"Bro, you need to go to the nurse or something; you keep spouting nonsense," Luke suggested.

"Ugh, I'm fine, you guys! You three are the ones acting strange," said Jake.

"I still don't get it," mumbled Hailey to no one in particular. "Why you would ditch us, your homies, and go off after the Music Club. We already established that there were better ways to ask Stacy out anyway than embarrassing yourself on stage with the freaks."

Jake's brain wasn't processing any of this, like an old computer that isn't compatible with newer technology. "Ehh...?"

"Go to the nurse," Luke repeated, as if Jake hadn't heard him the first time.

"I was going to ask Daisy out, not Stacy," Jake corrected Hailey.

Hailey looked puzzled. "Who the hell is Daisy? I only know Stacy, the Head Girl, the one you keep simping for every single day."

"B-but, Daisy's the Head Girl..." Jake trailed off. There was something seriously wrong about this entire scenario.

Wait a second... his dream. The note. What did it say again? Something along the lines of "Open this door and you'll go to a place familiar yet foreign."

No way. What if, that wasn't a dream? What if he really was in some other world? Only one way to find out, Jake decided. And he excused himself. "Sorry, guys! Gotta go to rehearsals!"


Jake was standing in front of a familiar door. One he'd stood in front of many times before, one he'd opened many times before. "Music Club," it read. Jake took a deep breath in, exhaled, and opened the door. And...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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