Chapter 1

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Carina's POV

I'm on my way home from a 12 hour shift and I'm absolutely exhausted. Y/N should be back from school soon so I need to make dinner for us both.

Since moving from Italy life has been difficult to say the least. I started working more, Y/N started a new school and we've both had to put in numerous hours practising the english language. There's also been some positive things happening too. I met a beautiful blonde firefighter called Maya who I've been on a few dates with (without Y/N knowing) and Y/N has joined a local track team here in Seattle. She also joined the track team at her school, which she seems to be enjoying.

Back to Maya, she's a beautiful, strong, independant woman and I love her. We've gone out a couple of times but we haven't really put a label on anything yet and I haven't mentioned anything to Y/N. To be honest I'm kind of scared at how she will react, I haven't been with anyone since her dad and I certainly haven't been with a woman.


Moving to America from Italy was a massive change for me and also for mama. I've been finding school a little difficult since starting here, my english isn't very good so sometimes understanding classes can be tough. I also haven't made any friends since starting so I spend a lot of time alone. I've spent most of my time in the gym or at track.

I've been feeling a bit down recently I think it's just me missing home and my friends and everything but I don't wanna tell mama about it because she has been working so hard since moving. She works between 40 - 60 hours a week and is on call always. She doesn't need me adding to all that.

I have track tonight and I can't wait it's like my only release from the stress of life at the moment. That and music. I like music, i can play piano and guitar, but not nearly as much as I like running. I run seven days a week. I have practise with the school once a week and practise with my club twice a week.

I thought that joining track would put me out there and help me make friends but so far nothing has come of it. Most people already have friends and aren't really interested in making new friends, especially with someone like me. Someone who can barely string a sentence together in english. That might be why I have no friends because when people talk to me I tend to just smile or nod because it's easier then having everyone hear how bad my english is.

Carina's POV

I've decided that I really need to tell Y/N about Maya so I'm gonna collect her from track later and bring Maya along, but until then I need to stay calm and get through dinner. I arrived home and started making lasagna, right as I put it in the oven I heard the door open.

"Mama?" Y/N called out into the apartment.

"Sí bambina, sono on cucina! (I'm in the kitchen)" I called out back to her.

"Ciao mama" she dropped her stuff on the counter and sat on one of the chairs around the island.

"Ciao piccola, com'é andata la tua giornata? (How was your day)" I asked whilst clearing away the ingredients on the counter from dinner.

"É stato bello...(it was fine)" she shrugged. I could tell that Y/N has had it rough since starting school here. She hasn't made many friends and has been kinda down in herself. She spends more time by herself or running then she does on anything else, she reminds of Maya a bit.

"Dinner should be ready in about 40 minutes piccolo" I tried to change the conversation away from school and to something happier instead.

"Ok mama, inizieró a prepararmi per la pista! (i'm gonna start getting ready for track)" she jumped off the chair and quickly ran upstairs.

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