The Black Beast

415 26 4

Arthur's POV

As I walked out of the small cottage, I could sense something was watching me. And it wasn't Allistor this time, no... Something more stronger. Something bigger, stronger...deadlier. I pulled my cloak close to me as I got this feeling and quickly made my way towards the stream. Is there something dangerous out here? Is that why Allistor told me to be careful? No... Allistor was the strongest animal slash human I know. He managed to get away from the hunters for almost 16 years! I shook my head, erasing that thought from my head and jumped over some tree roots. I soon could see the stream through some cracks in the trees, I smiled and skipped over to the stream, my red cloak fluttering behind me. Suddenly there was a thunder like growl and a blur of black, I could feel an intense pain in my shoulder and a strong force sent me to the ground. I cried out in pain even before I slammed into the ground. I touched my shoulder to only have it feel like it's on fire. I pulled my hand away and saw it was covered in blood, my own blood. I weakly looked up and my eyes widened bigger than a full moon at the sight of the beast in front of me. I whispered " N-No.... I-It c-can't be...", the beast smirked and suddenly turned into a black cloud of smoke and raced towards me. My eyes widened, I wanted to move but it was like my feet were glued then nailed into the ground. The beast was gaining speed and was moving towards me the speed of a bullet. This was going to be the day I was going to die.

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