05|real life

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They just finished an episode of Brooklnyn 99, as they hear the sound of the doorbell.

Athena feels her heart beating faster. She feels her throat getting drier. She doesn't know how to act when Kit tries to talk to her. She feels like she can't move out of her current position.

"I'll get the door." Will jumps out of his seat, leaving the living room.

Athena hears the boys mumbling about something. She hears Kit's voice.

She is scared. She doesn't know how to behave around him.

Bash could probably see her nervousness, because she was fumbling around with her fingers.

He moves from his current position to talk to the nervous girl. He takes her hand in his hand.

"Everything's going to be fine. It's normal to have a celebrity crush, Thena." he says, trying to convince me.

"Thank you Bash, you're the best." Athena squeezes his hand and gives him a light smile. Maybe she's being just slightly dramatic.

"Hi guys, sorry i'm late." Athena hears a voice from the living room door.

She moves her head to see the person who's speaking. It's Kit.

He is even more handsome in Person. He has a slight grin on his face, which brings out his dimples. There are freckles all over his face and the sharp jawline, when he turns his head. He wears a tight blue t-shirt, hugging his muscels. His brown hazel eyes are shining.

"That's fine mate, just come and sit down with us." Bash greets him with a warm hug.

Everyone is now standing up from their seats to hug Kit.

Yaz greets him with a hug, as well as Corinna, Kizzy, Tobie and Rhea.

Joe and him even made a hanshake, which was very impressive.

Now it's athena's turn. She decides to hug him, because she hugged everyone, and it would be mean if she wouldn't.

She wrappes her arns around his masculine body, and after two seconds, she pulls away. She can smell his scent of vanille.

"We have not introduced ourselves yet." she exclaims "I'm Athena." She gives him a warm smile, trying not to be weird around the boy.

"Hi Athena, i guess that you already know my name." He says, not in a narcissistic kind of way, but rather in a sweet, teasing kind of way.

He gives her a warm smile back and she feels butterflies buzzing around in her stomach.

Kit thought the girl was really pretty. The way her dark hair are hanging down her shoulder, her warm, sweet smile and the way her beautiful face is shinging. She is also really nice.

"I hope you already watched season 3, episode 7 of Brooklyn 99, because we have already started without you." she tells him with a teasing smile.

He laughs, trying to sound offended."I can't believe how impatient you all are." He says, turning to his castmates.

"It's not my fault that you have clearly no sense of direction." Tobie accuses him and everyone just nods in agreement.

"You guys are all backstabbers." He crosses his arms, making a pouting face.

We all just start laughing at his cildish behaviour.

This is going to be a fun night.

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