2) Lollipops - Lucy/Blake

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"A similarity between Ancient China, India and Southeast Asia is that they believed their rulers to be..."

Professor Terrance walked down the aisles between the rows of tables, talking non-stop. The whole time... licking a lollipop. Lucy wondered why he never got caught. Even if they were professors, they shouldn't be allowed to eat in class, right? Oh, how Lucy wished to be eating right at that moment. She hadn't had her breakfast and school had started at 7am, the time now being 10.15am. 10 more minutes and-

A tap on her head caught her attention and she looked up to see the smiling face of Professor Terrance.

"Miss Heraldnina, please pay attention in class," He told her, biting in to his lollipop.

She glanced at her table in boredom, "Yes, Professor Terrance."

Class ended after what seemed like eternity and Lucy prepared to run out to recess when Professor Terrance called her back.

"Miss Heraldnina, please stay back for a while~"

She clutched her books to her chest and walked back to his desk curiously... only to get his lollipop stuffed in to her mouth.


He grinned, "You're hungry, right? You can have that."

Her face heated immediately and she pulled his lollipop out of her mouth, clearly aware that it was a lollipop that he had put in his mouth.

"Arara, Lucy-chan is embarrassed already?" He teased, touching her nose.

She was too humiliated to say anything as he leaned downwards, that stupid smirk on his face.

He pouted, "But we're husband and wife, right~?"

"Shut up, stupid Blake!" She shouted.

He danced around her, "Eh~? Why~?"

"Do you want to lose your job and get me expelled?" She yelled, waving her hands above her head.

"And you're the one who's making all the noise, you know?"

Blake promptly dropped a kiss on to her lips before skipping out the classroom, leaving Lucy to blush a deep scarlet and drop her books.


I have to say that Blake is heavily based on Xerxes Break from Pandora Hearts.

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