The Rising Vulture Kingbreakers

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Faction Name: The Rising Vulture Kingbreakers, (or just call them "The R.V.K." for short).

Origin of Universe: (Unknown).

Type of Faction: PMC/Private Military Company.

Their First Appearances: (Season 1 of BlazeSaber00's "o.W.n./Cult of Personality: True Heroes of the World" Collaboration Crossover Book).

(Their Allies): The o.W.n. (Our World Now)/Cult of Personality. The Heroic Forces (Season 1, Season 2 & Season 3).

(Their Enemies): The Settlement Defense Front/The SDF, (During Season 1). The Union Academy (Earth 268), (During Season 2). Evil/Aku Goku's Forces, (During Season 3).

(Their Main Logo):

(A/N: This Artwork was made by someone who is named: "YellowNinja123" on Deviantart)

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(A/N: This Artwork was made by someone who is named: "YellowNinja123" on Deviantart).

(Background): The Rising Vulture Kingbreakers are a PMC/Private Military Company that were on many Expert Missions in the Past. During the events of Season 1, both The Settlement Defense Front/The SDF (Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare) and their Allies presumed that they'll be Allied up with both The o.W.n. (Our World Now)/Cult of Personality and their Allies, so they decided to conduct a Operation to kill the PMC Members of The Rising Vulture Kingbreakers.

Their Operation was going pretty great so far, as they killed many Members. However something unexpected happened, and it was Keith Dickinson unlocking his Apex Human Form (Note: For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about. Basically The "Apex Human" Transformation is based off the "False Super Saiyan" Form that is from the "Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug" Movie. It also appeared in PatrickEstvo's "Kick & The RED Team: Battle against Gray Mann" Crossover Story on Wattpad, where Kick (Call of Duty: Ghosts) is shown unlocking The "Apex Human" Form as well) as killed all of the Enemy Soldiers that were in this Operation.

After Keith Dickinson had left the Ruins of the Destroyed PMC Base, he thought that he was The Only Survivor. But what he didn't know, was that some Members actually survived as well, as they began to rebuild and get more Allies to their PMC Group. Later on, they will meet Keith Dickinson again, as they'll join both him and The o.W.n. (Our World Now)/Cult of Personality.

(The Rising Vulture Kingbreakers/The R.V.K. Troops):


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