Notes attempt

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Pov: Crowley didn't know what to write Evangeline. You could see his attempts.


My Dearest Evangeline,

I trust you woke up well-rested and with the sun kissing your lovely face. I apologize for my abrupt absence this morning, duty called and I had to attend to matters that couldn't wait.

I hope you found the meal to your liking and that the ring I left for you brought a smile to your lips. It's a trinket, really, but I thought it might be a small token of my appreciation for the enchanting night we shared.

You continue to surprise me in the most delightful ways, my precious wife. Your wit, your spirit, and your undeniable allure have me utterly captivated. I find myself looking forward to each moment we spend together, whether it's sealing deals or exploring uncharted territories.

Know that I hold your words close to my heart, the promise of transparency and loyalty between us. You've managed to weave your way into my thoughts, my desires, and yes, even my future plans.

Until we meet again, my dearest, may your day be filled with intrigue and wonder. Remember, my door is always open, and I eagerly await the next time our paths intertwine.

Yours faithfully,



I was absent when you awoke. Matters required my attention. The ring is there; it will do.

Your declaration of loyalty amuses me. Time will reveal if it's worth anything.




Gone for matters of import. The ring is for appearances.

- Crowley


I've had to step away for pressing matters. The trinket is to keep up appearances.



While I handle my affairs, feel free to make yourself at home. Enjoy the solitude. By the way, that smirk on your face as you read this? It mirrors mine as I remember our little escapade.



As I tend to matters that demand my attention, allow me to leave you with vivid reminiscences of our recent nocturnal escapade. The sultry memory of your eager form, intertwined with mine, is a masterpiece etched upon the canvas of my mind. The intoxicating scent of your skin, the taste of our heated kisses, and the symphony of our shared pleasure resonate within me.

Until our paths intertwine once more,


Dearest Evangeline,

Allow me to relish the recollections of our passionate rendezvous, a symphony of desire that played out in the sacred haven of our affections. The way your body responded to my every touch, igniting flames of longing that blazed with an intensity only matched by the voracious hunger in our gazes, is a tableau forever imprinted upon my senses.

Your breathy sighs harmonized with mine as our entwined forms moved in exquisite rhythm, each movement a testament to the unspoken connection that binds us. The taste of your lips, the arch of your back as you surrendered to the intoxicating dance of pleasure, all remain as vivid memories, etched into the very fibers of my being.

Until our passions are reignited,
Yours Only,


My Dearest Wife,

As the moon cast its enigmatic glow upon us last night, our souls converged in a symphony of desire that echoed through the chambers of time. Your every sigh, every arch of your body beneath my touch, ignited a fire that consumed us both, binding us in a rapture that words can only attempt to capture.

The taste of your skin, the melody of your moans, they dance upon my senses still, a bewitching reminder of the intoxicating hours we shared. Yet, my love, know that this is but the prelude to the masterpiece I intend to compose with you in the days and nights that lie ahead.

Together, we shall script our own tale of ardor, a tale that shall unfold in whispers and sighs, in tender caresses and passionate embraces. I yearn to explore the depths of your desires, to trace every contour of your form, and to lose myself in the symphony of our shared ecstasy.

Dearest Evangeline, let this note serve as a promise, a vow that our nights shall continue to be a canvas upon which we paint our passions without restraint. And know that I sign this not only as your lover but as your husband, bound to you in every sense.

Yours Eternally,
Your Husband

"Argh," the frustration echoed in Crowley's voice as he crumpled the eighth note and tossed it into the basket. "I'll just tell her I had to leave and eat. Simple enough, and I couldn't care less," he muttered in annoyance while he penned the ninth letter.


My Dearest Evangeline,

I trust you had a restful slumber after our most enthralling night together. I must confess, the sight of you in my attire was quite... captivating. It brought to mind the fervent passion we shared, the way your sighs and moans filled the air as our desires intertwined.

Allow me to apologize for my abrupt departure this morning. Matters of the infernal realm called for my attention, but rest assured, my thoughts lingered on you. I've left sustenance for you, my lovely wife, for I care about your well-being, even amidst my obligations.

As the sun casts its gentle glow upon this day, know that you have a place within my thoughts. Should you ever wish to explore further or discuss matters beyond our shared intimacy, I shall be at your beck and call.

Yours wickedly,

"Shit, my head couldn't focus on anything else," Crowley muttered, his mind busy contemplating alternative approaches.


I needed to do something really important, but I will be back soon. Have a nice day, my precious wife, and make sure to eat something.

"That's good enough and safe," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, as he returned to the room where his precious wife lay sleeping. The gentle rise and fall of her chest, the soft tendrils of hair framing her face, all held a captivating allure. As desire surged within him, Crowley's gaze lingered on her form, his mind tracing the contours that had ignited such fervent passion between them.

With deliberate care, he set the note and plate upon the table, each movement a deliberate act of consideration for his slumbering companion. He leaned down, his lips grazing hers in a lingering kiss that held both tenderness and hunger. It was a bittersweet departure, one filled with promises unspoken yet deeply understood.

As he melted into the shadows, Crowley couldn't help but cast a final gaze upon the woman who had ensnared his heart and desires. He vanished into the darkness, leaving behind a lingering sense of his presence, a testament to the connection they had forged in the midst of their entangled affair.

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