• Chapter 4: Sinister Crawler

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She held your cheeks as she continued kissing you slowly. You tried to move your face from her but she held both of cheeks forcing you to kiss her back. You felt her warm tongue touch yours and kissed you repeatedly and in a slow swirl.

"Mmhh mhh.." You hummed as you felt getting light headed from lack of oxygen. She smiled against your lips as you gasped for air between kisses. She pulled back still holding your cheeks with her cold hands and chuckled as you panted and gasped for any air.

"I missed this~" She said quietly rubbing her fingertip on your chest gently as you slowly on were catching your breath.

"What the fuck was that!" You said between pants, you looked up to the bright light above you with confused mixed feelings about this whole situation, you felt disgusted and petrified, feeling hopeless and not having control over your own body whenever she did this. You didn't want to twitch or make small moans out of shock and pleasure, it felt like she wanted to make your body react like that. You couldn't forgive yourself for feeling turned-on by this sick woman and the things she did to you. You felt dissapointed and guilty for feeling this way.

You're thoughts and regrets were interrupted by a sudden feeling on your chest. You were so deep into your thoughts that you didn't even notice Miranda leaning down to you and kissing your cleavage softly. You tried to keep yourself together and try not to react as she tried to make you.

You gulped as she went slowly to your collarbone leaving small bite and suck marks all over your collarbone. You felt her smile against your skin as you let out a small whimper as she bit you harder, she quickly noticed that you were trying to keep yourself in so she went harder to tease you even more and force the pleasure out of you even though you didn't want them to happen.

She placed soft kisses from your collarbone all the way to your open mouth but there was no sound escaping it. You opened your eyes as she stopped kissing you and glanced over to to her. She crawled back to your legs and started to undress you slowly from your pants, she hopped off and untied your right leg first and slid the pants from your ankle. You wanted to kick her away with your feet but she had a strong grip on your ankle that it was even hard to move it under her control. She tied your ankle up again and did the same with the other side. She tossed your pants on the ground and unlocked the chain that was holding your tied up ankle, your ankles were still tied up but you could move them around this time only to a short limit length. You're chest was going and down and your hands were shaking from fear being all exposed to her like that.

You looked at her as she tossed her black heels and pants next to yours on the ground and was only left with her unbuttoned white blouse and her lace see through undergarments. You looked in a different direction as she undressed herself while keeping eye contact with you to tease you. You formed your hands into a fist and focused on your breathing, you tried to calm yourself down not trying to think what she might do to you.

You took a trembling breath as you felt her crawling on top of you with only her open blouse and see through black undergarments set. She traced her sharp nail on your thigh going slowly to your groin.

"D-...don't touch..me.." You said between shivering whimpers as she went closer to your panties.

"...You seem to enjoy it~" She teased you and lifted your knee up, spreading your legs.

"D-..don't.." You said with a moan as she spread your legs.

"A-aah!..ah~" You held the leather strap with all your force as she started to kissed on your right inner thigh.

"I loved carving your skin.." She said calmly while tracing something with her fingertip. You opened your eyes slowly and looked what she was doing, you trembled and stared at the red scar with 'Miranda' carved on your inner thigh. It was real, you couldn't process what she just showed you, all those pictures were true, you started shivering horrified realizing that she wasn't lying and you weren't going insane.

𝖂𝖎𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖉 𝕲𝖆𝖒𝖊: Mother Miranda x Female Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now