Chapter 3: For a Moment

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Later that night, Michael met with Harry and John on his ship. Harry told him what happened.

"Oh, Daddy, we're so worried..." Harry said sadly as John held him.

"Everything's going to be alright, Harry," Michael said to his son and son-in-law. "We have search parties scouring the ocean. I'm going to join them now myself."

"Harry, maybe you should go with him." John suggested.

"But John..." Harry looked to his love in concern.

"I need to stay here and lead the search on land," John explained his suggestion. "But you know these waters and you know our daughter. You have to go."

"It may be dangerous." Michael reminded them.

"No, John's right, daddy. I should've known that I couldn't keep Lily from the sea. The sea is a part of her, and it was a part of me. I have to go."

Michael nodded as he took out his trident as it glowed to turn his son back into a merman.

John hugs Harry. "Bring our daughter home."

John helps Harry as Michael raise the trident to transform him back into his merman form and he looks exactly how Michael had remembered him when he was a teenager.

Harry looked just as he did when he was a sixteen year old merman. Michael let him and allowed them to jump into the water with him to find Lily.
Lily was still swimming along.

"What a totally cool feeling!" Lily said as she got up to the air and was swimming on her back now.  Lily has ran her head against the ice, disturbing the seal.

"Oh, excuse me..." Lily said sheepishly. "I'm so sorry ma'am."

The mother seal watched the girl go and her three white as snow pups looking back at young girl.


Okay, get a grip, get the hang of this flipper
It's like slipping two feet into one big huge slipper
This way is left; which way is right?
Well, now I'll be circling in circles all night
Oh, so this is forward; no problem

I can't believe I can do this and more
To swim in the sea like I walk on the shore
Out of my shell, not closed up like a clam
Come see, this is me, here I am!

For a moment, all of me
Is alive and at home in the sea
I'm swirling and twirling, so graceful and grand
Not stubbing my toes getting stuck in the sand

For a moment, life is cool
I'm a splash in the world's biggest pool
This is more than my thoughts ever thought it could be
For a moment, just a moment, lucky me

Lily had been swimming almost all her life, almost like her mother, but in a different sense since Lily didn't know her mother used to be a merman.

Charles was a really wonderful man. At least she thought so. She even got to meet some narwhals. While she had a good time. Her mother was frantically searching for her under her nose.


If only for one moment
I had shared with you all I know
The sea wouldn't be a mystery
Oh, why did you have to go?


Everything's newer, brighter and bluer
And truer to life than before
Watch me soar!

For a moment, I can shine
Got a grin and a fin, it works fine
My fingers are wrinkly; I really don't care
If all of my curls are curled out of my hair

For a moment, I can feel
All the dreams I've been dreaming are real
Wish my mother could hear it; the sea is my song
For a moment, just a moment, I belong


I will find you, my darling
And the moment that I do
I'll hold you close, my Melody
And sing the song of the sea with you
Sing the song of the sea with you


For a moment, just a moment, I belong!
Lily beamed as she swam quickly to hug the man. "Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!" She then looked up to see Charles in some sort of distress. "What is the matter?"

"Oh, I knew this would happen," Charles put his hand to her head. "One taste, and you're hooked! Oh Nick, I'm such a failure..."

Nick handed him a hankie.

Charles took it to wipe his eyes and blew his nose, making bubbles come from his nose. "Oh, my precious, there wasn't enough potion for this to be a forever spell."

"Please," Lily swam in front of him. "I-I don't want to go back to being an ordinary girl. Isn't there some way I could say a mermaid?"

"Oh, I'm afraid there's absolutely no possible way," Charles sighed, then had a wicked smile. "Well... There IS one way..." he said. "No. What am I thinking?" He declined. "It's far too dangerous."

"What's too dangerous?" Lily wanted to know.

Charles turner to face her and used ink blots to display pictures for the girl to see. "Well, I could make the spell last longer. If I had my magic trident. Oh, but it was stolen years ago... By a deranged kleptomaniac, and there's no one to get it back for me."

Lily had an idea. "Maybe I could get it back for you." Lily suggested.

Charles turned to her. "You'd do that for me?"

"If I did, would you make me a mermaid forever?" Lily asked on one condition.

"Even longer, if you like." Charles smirked.

Lily nodded.

Charles smiled, then took out a map of the kingdom to the girl. "Now, here is where the scoundrel lives."

"Atlantica." Lily said. "You mean it's not just an old fish tale?" she seemed surprised. "It really exists?"

"Of course it exists." Charles chuckled. "Whoever told you otherwise?"

Lily sighed. "My mother."

"Well, I'm sure he didn't seem to be cruel and deceitful." Charles said to the girl, though mostly to Lily.

Lily grew determined now. "Okay, I'll bring back your trident. You can count on me!"

"Be careful dear, enjoy those fins! While you can." Charles called as Lily went off for Atlantica.

the Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea (Harry Styles x John Cena) Where stories live. Discover now