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"Y/n... " I didn't actually think I was an experiment... even though I should be running, I wanna explore. I walked around and examined everything I caught my eyes on. I saw a sign in the distance and walked over to read what it said.

"Main Office.." huh, so this was an organization? Did they kidnap these women? How did I end up on top of a fucking skyscraper then? Did someone set me free? So many questions I have right now.

I walked towards the main office. I then saw a door that said "Main Office". I opened the door and there I saw a skeleton holding something in its hand. God damn. I walked towards it and pried the thing it's holding out of its hand.

It was a key? Maybe it opens to a vault? Or to the tanks? I don't know if I'm glad I entered the casino or not. I put the key in my pockets I have on my shorts. I hope I'm not someone important that they kept alive on purpose...

I keep walked and see many more tanks of people. I didn't bother reading their names, to lazy. This place was huge! I hope I don't get lost. That would be very bad.

I then see a bulletin board filled with information of "patients". Maybe it has information about me? I look and see the women I saw earlier. They were all about the same age. It also said some things about their, "special abilities".

Oh no. Where am I?! Plus, that "special ability" just doesn't sit right with me at all. Who the fuck would do all this? Well, I mean that person is dead but, that's beside the point.

I continue further and see a warning sign up ahead. Well, that's not good. Still, my curiosity takes the best of me and I walk ahead ignoring the warning sign. I walk and see a giant bulletin board all about me...

<Dreams POV>

I can't believe this!!! We accepted a person that has powers!! She could be dangerous!! She also left my shirt a the mall?! Oh!! I can't forget about bringing my enemy to our base!!

This is actually unbelievable. I recently found out that Sapnap has a crush on her. Like, she is good looking but bro, you just met her!! I also noticed that George is developing a small crush on her.

Even though, she's annoying. I like her spunk and sass. But, now I feel bad. She's right, we have no idea what she has been through. Now that I think about her, I should check up on her and see how she is.

I went up to her room and knocked just to be a gentlemen. I didn't hear anything so I knocked again. I still didn't hear anything so without saying anything, I kicked open the door thinking it was locked.

(It wasn't locked)

I looked around and didn't see anything or anyone. I immediately knew she snuck out again. Ugh, this girl. I ran back downstairs and gathered everyone. "What's with the meeting?" Sapnap asked.

"It's about Y/n." He immediately perked up when I said her name. "She's gone." "Again?"Fundy said. "What do you mean again?" Tommy asked. "When she met you guys, she snuck out without letting us know. Now she did it again." Technoblade replied.

"Ah, ok." Wilbur said. "Well, we have to look for her." Bad commented. "She will comeback." I said. "And if she doesn't? What then? She could be hurt or worse." Sam commented. When he said I could tell that everyone even techno didn't like that idea.

Heck, even Fundy seemed to dislike that idea. And he has trust issues. "Well then, we are gonna look for her wether you guys like it or not. Techno and I we'll head south. Sapnap, George, and Fundy will head east. Sam, and bad will head west. Wilbur and Tommy will head north. Everyone got that?" I asked and stated.

Everyone nodded. Let the manhunt begin..

<Y/n's POV>

What the hell? Why is there so much information about me? Just what exactly happened to me? And what am I? Some sort of secret weapon or something? Well, I highly doubt that.

I read the information that was place up in the bulletin board. "Name, Y/n  L/n. Special abilities, regeneration, fast reflexes, can grow a devil tail and horns, can change their eye color, and immune to poisons. Weaknesses, none..."

I could feel my legs go limp and I fall onto my knees. Im a monster... I look up again and see  a big piece of poet that said, "special experiment, warning, dangerous." I could feel like fainting right now. I can't stay with them anymore... I could hurt them.

But then, where will I go? I could feel the life from my face drain by every second time passes.

(This might sound cringe)

I feel just, numb. Knowing I'm dangerous, experimented on, and most importantly, a monster. I slowly got up and went in further. It might be and probably is a bad idea to keep going. But I've came this far.

Can't turn back now. I walk further into the organization and see rows of tanks that are empty. It's just a long hallway leading to a singular door. I walk down the scary hallway and tried to open the door but it was locked.

It had a key hole. I had a key. I quickly put in the key and just my luck, it opened. I look and see a latter leading up. Maybe it's an emergency exit. I went up and I went threw a trap door. I'm in a familiar place.

Wait a minute. I'm in the skyscraper I woke up in... what? So, this is how I ended up in the damn building. I lazily walk out and drag myself back to the base. I don't even want to live anymore.

Zombie apocalypse au/ yandere Dsmp x Y/n Where stories live. Discover now