110 4 5

2 months later...

A/N- ik I been time skipping but trust me it's worth it😚.

"Omgggg reila bru he been moving in my stomach too much Ong" Kaliyah said rubbing her full belly it was around the time she was supposed to give birth to her baby

She was due on December 23rd but she felt like he could come out any minute

As her and Xureila walked through the store she felt a sharp pain in her stomach she stopped the bugge to hold it

"Omggg wtf" Kaliyah mumbled making Xureila stop and look at her with worry

"Are you ok Liyah you wanna go back to my place" she offered but the older only shook her head still holding her stomach in pain

"I think the baby coming or it might be cramps but they never felt like this ever"

"Ok let's just go home" Xureila said pushing the bugge out the store

At Kaliyah's house

Kaliyah was laying in the bed snacking on some ice while watching baddies

Xureila dropped her off back home after what happened in the store they thought the baby was coming but turns out it was just bad contractions

Kaliyah was waiting on Kobe to get back home to he was supposed to take Kj to the zoo and have a daddy son day with him

Soon as she was finna call his phone she heard the front door open and then Kjs laugh

"Mommy mommy where you!!" Kj yelled running through the house trying to find his mommy

Once he got to Kaliyah's room he jumped on the bed and hugged her

"Heyy mommy"

"Hey my baby" she said rubbing on his hair watching Kobe walk in and put his gun on the dresser

"Wsp mama I miss yo ah" Kobe said kissing her on her check then neck

"Heyyy boy yo son almost came out in the store that's why I'm laying down"

"Oh fr my boy wanted come out why yo ah ain't let him" he said sitting on the bed rubbing her stomach

"Boy what you wanted me to do tell him to hurry up tf"

"Man Wtv im finna go play the game with sakani righ quick call me if you need sum" Kobe said walking to the game room

"Okk and tell kani dust ass to not talk about my baby again with his stank ass" she said moving over to lay down and rest

8 hours later

It was 1:00 o'clock at night when Kaliyah. Woke up feeling pain in her lower stomach

"Ughh bro baby k calm down mommy want to sleep" she said getting up rubbing her stomach while rocking back and forth

As she was finna get up pee ran down her legs "omgggggg KOBE THE BABY COMING"

Kobe ran upstairs quick and looked down in panic "wtf mama you pissed yourself?" He asked holding a disgusting face

"Nigga no my water broke take me to hospital I'm finna call Xureila and get kj up ok"

As Kobe went in kj room Kaliyah started calling Xureila

On the second ring Xureila answered sounding tired "hello"

"Reila can you come to hospital please I'm finna give birth my water broke" Kaliyah said trying to walk around to stop the pain

Xureila immediately got up and started getting dressed "girl me and sakani on our way"

Hanging up the phone to sit down Kobe can in the room with kj and Kaliyah hospital bag "ight come on Liyah we gotta go" he said rushing them all out the door

At the hospital

The couple made it too the hospital in hurry Kobe got a wheelchair and put Kaliyah in it rolling her to the front desk

"Hello name,and what are you hear for" the front desk lady said not looking up form her computer

"My name Kobe and my girlfriend Kaliyah is finna have my son"

As she heard that a nurse and a doctor immediately came out to push Kaliyah to the delivery room

"Wait can I come with her?" Kobe said trying to walk with them to the back

"Are you the father sir" the doctor asked looking at Kobe with a questioned look

"Yes I am" after he said that the doctor rushed him to the back with him

Xureila and sakani came into the waiting room seeing kj sitting on the chair with his iPad swinging his feet

The couple went over to him and sat down waiting for the doctor to come out and tell them the baby came

In the delivery room

Kaliyah was laying on the bed with her legs up in the air waiting for the doctor to say she can push

She was only 7 centimeters dilated and couldn't push until she was 10 centimeters

But Kaliyah didn't want to hear non of that she was ready to push the baby out she was in pain bad

"Ok ms brown so your 9 centimeters now so let's see can you push successfully" the doctor said putting on the gloves and mask

"Ok on the count of 3 you push ok?" Kaliyah nodded her head breathing hard ready

A/N- play the song🌚.

"3...2...1 push"

Kaliyah started pushing as much as she could squeezing Kobe hand in the process

"Come you got his head is out" Kaliyah kept pushing and pushing and pushing feeling her vagina tear open

"He almost here one more push ms brown" the doctor said holding on the the baby shoulder

A/N- Ntm I don't know much about labor😂.

Kaliyah pushed one last time before hearing a loud cry making sigh

The doctor came up with the baby and handed him to her placing him on her chest

"What are you gonna name him" the doctor said looking at the baby in awe

Kobe and Kaliyah looked at each other before Kaliyah said "Kamarion Sam jackson"

I missed yall had to give yall the chapter it's been a minute☹️
We the best author ✍🏽!!!

Kaliyah almost giving birth in the store??
The cramps??
Her water breaking in the middle of the night??
You think kj gon like his new sibling??
The baby name???

He's finally here🥹🥹

And the book is finna end imma miss writing for yall we came a long from me just doing it for fun to now writing this for yall

Anyway I'll see yall next chapter
Bye lovessss😚-Jurnee💜

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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