this is about how everyone says school is so
good but in reality it is shit for example i moved to the shittest schools ever but i have some really close friends who are really nice but some are just dickheads sometimes
i wonder if they are bullied because theyre do mean to everyone in the class especially this one guy in my class hes really piopular and everyone in the other classes think hes so cool and awesome but all my friends in my class hate him cause hes always being mean to someone no matter when or where .he was really mean to this kid partically in our class last year oh yeah i forgot to mention we went out and i broke up with him and he told everyone that he dumped me and now when ever we see each other hes always like "get away" " your so annoying "
and the reason is dont believe any of the shit people say because in every school and in every class theres alawys someone who is so insecure they have to bully someone to feel better so forget about what they say and ignore it anyway so we are to camp and it is my last year at this school and i really want this camp to be the best and just have fun with my friends everything was going well he hadent said anything to me that was hurtfull yet we were in the bus as always him and all of his friends went up to the back of the bus and my bfft gets a little bit of cark sick so we stayed up thefront with our other friends we got of the bus and my cuz (friend) rushes over to me with this boy that likes me and starts talking to me and my bff we put all of our stuff in the cabin and a few people come up to me saying things that he has said about me and i wasnt at all supprised he said 'i am a show off' comming from the guy who always talks himself up and that i think i am all hot well he must be preety obsessed with me to say that to other people or hes jealous because i am better looking then him and i have much better friends and alot of them.
and anways he always gets in trouble so it was dinner and he was last up with his friends and they had to sit next to me and my friends and as always he started to talk mto me and he was nice it was good just to sit next to him but he was ok at camp but you know we didn't see each other much we didn't talk for a while and yeah everything was lately we started talking again and everyone told me that they thought he liked me and I have always liked him even after I broke up with him and so on Thursday I asked him out and I got my friend Emily to write the note and give it to him and I was kind of confident with asking him out but he wrote back sorry I am focusing on soccer
But I told Anna to ask if he liked me and he said no and I have to admit I was a bit upset but she told me she liked him even when him and I were going out Emily can be nice but she can be mean and I mean really mean like I told her something about someone I didn't get along with and she went straight to her and told her but there are so many things she has said to me that I haven't told anyone and she started to try to get I'm with him and she started to flirt with him right in my face and then on the weekend one of his friend kept saying " you got rejected " and u didn't really care but I am abit afraid I don't to loose our friendship cause we were finally getting along
And I don't want to loose that and we have to go to this thing in Penrith our class for a musical and and I'm worried he will tell more people that I asked him out and people will think I am a loser and to top that off we have to go to Canberra out class and I am so nervous that he will say things again behind my back
And yeah that's my life
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