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You were avoiding Reigns calls as you sat in the hotel room with Jimmy and Jey, waiting and thinking, trying to decide what you were going to do. Worrying that Reigns was mad at you. Hunter also kept trying to call you, but truly you weren't looking to talk to anyone other than Jimmy and Jey. 

Later That Night

"Aye! Y/n are you even listening?" Jey yelled while snapping his fingers in my face, causing me to jump. I cleared my throat and rubbed my face before answering him. "Sorry, I'm in my own mind right now, what did you say?" I asked playing with the strings on my hoodie. Jey let out a heavy sigh as he paced back and forth in the room, while Jimmy came over and sat next to me. Naomi was also trying to call him but he was also avoiding the others. 

Jey stopped and glared at us both as he bent over slightly, slamming the back of his hand into the palm of his other hand. "We cannot let our family crumble, we worked too damn hard for this man!" He yelled earning a grunt from Jimmy. I was annoyed and rolled my eyes. "Jey, aren't you tired of winning every match for him..? I know he is my husband but even I see how he treats you both. It's not right, that's not what family is." Jimmy nodded his head in agreement with what I was saying. 

Jey scoffed and ran his hands over his face, wiping the sweat off. "He is The Tribal Chief, that's how it works, we listen to him, we help him, thats how this entire thing works, we have each others bac-"

"When was the last time he's had y'alls backs Jey? Honestly? I've been watching from home, I see it. I know you are worried about how things are gonna play out, but you can't let him manipulate you like that. You and Jimmy are a great team without him, just like you were before the Bloodline." Jey gave me a sad look, I could tell his mind was racing. I got up and walked over to him, giving him a hug as he tightly hugged me back. I rubbed his back while we pulled away, placing my hands on his shoulders.

"Whatever happens, I will do my best to help Reigns see where you both are coming from." Before Jey got a chance to respond there was a loud bang at the door to the hotel room. We all looked at the door, unsure of what to do. I pushed Jey behind me, "The both of you, go stand on the far side of the room." They nodded and went to go farther away from the door as I went to go open it. Upon opening the door I saw my furious husband. "How many fucking times do I have to call you? Huh!" He yelled pushing his way inside. 

I wrapped my arms around Reigns' neck, but he kept trying to pull me off of him. "I was just busy, I didn't see you calling me babe." I tried to reason with him, but it didn't work. "Y/n I saw you run off with Jimmy and Jey, after Jimmy fucking kicked me in my face and made us lose!" He yelled pulling me off of him. He got closer to me, getting into my face, "Do you have something to say? Explain yourself!" He yelled once again. "Back up Uce, this ain't got nothing to do with her, your beef is with me." Jimmy said as he pulled me behind him. 

The two started to argue, but Jey ran over trying to seperate them, trying to calm them down. But Reigns pushed Jey and he fell into me, casuing me to fall to the floor. Jimmy yelled and next thing I know they were fighting, trading punches back and forth. Jey grabbed my arm and tried to help me up, making sure I got out of the way of the fight. I pushed Jey and went over to Reigns grabbing him by his arm, pulling him away from Jimmy, while Jey got ahold of his brother. 

The two were cursing at eachother, yelling and causing so much commotion. "Enough!" I yelled as I pulled Reigns as hard as I could. I got in front of him after quickly opening the door, pushing him as hard as I could out of the room, with Jimmy still yelling at him. Once we were in the hallway of the hotel, I quickly shut the door, praying that Jey could keep his brother under control.  Reigns scratched his beard while breathing heavily. 

He didn't say anything to me he just grabbed my hand and started to walk down the hallway. The entire walk we stayed silent, until we got to the room, he opened the door. "Get in, now." He said coldly and I walked inside the room. He shut and locked the door and turned to me. "Do you know how badly you betrayed me tonight?" He mumbled out. "Reigns I didn't betray you.."

"You let him superkick me, not once but twice." I looked at him, he truly looked hurt. I walked over to him, placing my hand on his arm, but he moved. "You can't actually be mad at me, you know I'm not medically cleared to do anything inside that ring." He laughed, "Then why the hell are you here, why did you show up? Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I scoffed, "Excuse me, what are you my father? Why are you acting like this, you act like it is my fault that Jimmy kicked you."

He turned to me and glared at me and I felt a jolt of energy run through my body. "Watch how you talk to me. You could have done something rather than stand there and watch him kick me, then help them both out of the ring and leave with them. Then not answer my fucking calls or texts." He spoke with controlled anger. "Reigns.."

"Forget it, I'm going to bed." He went to his suitcase and grabbed some shorts and boxers, along with a towel and washcloth and went to the bathroom and got into the shower. I sat on the bed and let out a huge sigh, shortly after I changed my clothes and got into bed, waiting for Reigns. A few minutes later he came out and got into bed. "I know I'm not happy with you right now, but come here so we can go to sleep."

I smiled as I turned over and rested my head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around me. I traced over his tattoo with my finger while he watched my hand move along his clean skin. "Reigns, you know I love you right?" I asked and he stayed silent. "Reigns!" I yelled louder. I sat up, placing my hand on his chest, earning a confused look from him. "So are you not talking to me now?" He shrugged his shoulders in response. 

I leaned over, placing my lips on his, to which he happily returned, kissing me back. Once we pulled away he just looked at me. "You're acting like a fucking child." I sighed out, but once again he shrugged his shoulders. I scoffed and laid back down, resting my head against his chest again and just decided to go asleep. "I love you too traitor." I sucked my teeth and it made him chuckle. 

To be continued...

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