S P L ↓ T

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Requested by LadySoniya

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Requested by LadySoniya


Taehyung was unaware that he had a twin brother who had been separated from him at birth. His parents didn't want twins, they only wanted one. They gave his brother up but kept this from him because they didn't know how he would react to it. A family secret they planned to take to the grave.

There was someone out there who knew, though, and an extreme twist of fate led them to all encounter one another.

The bands new manager, In-Su, or Su for short. He'd recently started working with the band and took on a sick and deep hatred for Taehyung. He hated his entire personality. He hated how nice and innocent he was all the time, hated how he got away with a lot of shenanigans during the bands practice, thought he tried too hard for the approval of others and sought out attention.

Su knew Taehyung was the complete opposite of his twin brother, whose name was Sang. The name given to him by the orphanage he was sent to in order to be raised. A place he grew up hating, especially because he knew about having a twin brother and he knew it was Taehyung. His entire life he grew up hating Taehyung, even without knowing him, because it should have been him given away.

He knew Taehyung was in a band, and he knew his buddy Su had just became manager of that band. Everything was falling perfectly into place for Sang. He looked so identical to Taehyung that both he and Su knew nobody would bat an eye if the two were replaced.

Which was exactly what they had schemed to do.

They planned for Sang to take Taehyung's spot, and wreck absolute havoc and chaos. First making everyone in the band hate Taehyung, and then making them fight amongst themselves as well.

He wanted to see BTS's downfall, and he wanted to make sure they thought Taehyung was the direct cause of it.

Su had invited Sang to the company building so they could figure out how they were going to grab Taehyung and keep him hidden while Sang got to work on destroying the band. They decided they were going to grab him at some point during the day, switch Sang's clothes and Taehyung's so nobody would question it, and chain Taehyung up somewhere nobody would find him. They didn't care to leave him for dead. Nobody would bat an eye because nobody would realize the real Taehyung is missing.

Su had poked his head in to the band's dance practice to see how they were doing. As always, they were in perfect harmony with each other and getting along perfectly. Su called Taehyung over and asked to see him for a moment to discuss something. It wasn't unusual for Su to ask to talk to the members about things alone, so nobody else paid much mind to it.

Taehyung stepped out of the room. "What is it?"

Su started walking away, "Why don't you come with me to my office?"

S P L ↓ T {Taehyung x BTS}Where stories live. Discover now